A Moment of Grave Sorrow and A Silence Broken

With a heart of love; I must not sit silently by as I watch the black people destroy themselves from the inside out. Like sheep we humans are so easily lead astray by whatever voice we hear. If one sheep jumps off to his death, another follows shortly behind him. Look closely at the truth and for whom you have taken this plunge.

There are those moments I find it very difficult to write.  The events and the turmoil that is in this world and in our nation at present.  Perhaps there are those moments when one must speak’’; without fear of being misquoted and misinterpreted.  For me, I was in a sense born and raised color blind.  Indeed as a 4 year old child I carried around a black baby doll (which was unheard of in that day), at 6 I wept because a Mexican migrant worker couldn’t cash the check a farmer had given him.  His family stood around him and looked so hungry.  I lived in Mexico with my husband who was of Mexican descent; and after having been widowed I later remarried.  That marriage fractured when one day, my son’s black college roommate came to my home for the weekend.  When, I arrived home that day; my husband ushered me to the back room and told me to get that “N” out of my house.  I, who rarely raised my voice; ordered my husband to leave and never return.  “This is my house and my name is the only one on the deed; so, you will take your things and get out.  I will not tolerate a racist in my home—that child out there is my guest.  So  you GET OUT”.  And He did.  I never remarried after that.


My best friend in the world whom I love dearly is also black.  A wise, honorable, and caring friend who has taught me so much over the past few years.  With all that being said and with a heart of love; I must not sit silently by as I watch people destroy themselves from the inside out.


Killing the police is never the answer!! They are our only hope against a world of anarchy.  Look at Chicago’s inner city where the police do not even want to go—where thousands of black men, women and children die every month at the hands of their own.  Some will say that I am being harsh as I begin to say some truths.  Most of the people in black lives matter are merely oppressed emotionally, psychologically and for years of being held back.  Yet, stop for a moment and look at your leaders who have risen politically playing all of the others into their hands.  Instead of really helping you, they are harming you every step of the way.

Like sheep we humans are so easily lead astray by whatever voice we hear.  If one sheep jumps off to his death, another follows shortly behind him.  Look closely at the truth and for whom you have taken this plunge.

Trayvon Martin, I cried with you.  Yet, the trial showed that he had left Miami because of a shadowy past.  Zimmerman was not some hero either; but, he had followed Trayvon for a while.  When he turned to go back to his truck to leave it to the police; he was jumped by Trayvon who was a 6 foot, 250 lb man.  Ultimately that scuffle lead to the shooting.  Tragic; but, could have been avoided if Trayvon had not turned back.

Michael Brown, again I wept with you.  Yet, as the truth unfolded—he had hit and assaulted the policeman.  He had then tried to disarm him—ultimately he walked away.  When the policeman told him to stop—he ran back toward the policeman who first shot him in the arm before the fatal blow to the head.  The trajectory of the bullet was proof that his hands were not up, nor was he surrendering-he was lunging forward as would be when running toward someone.

Alton Sterling, I again wept with you.  I watched the video with such dismay.  So, I watched again.  Here was a volatile situation for which I watched the police not once, but twice use a Taser and tell Sterling to stay down.  He fought against the police instead.  Then they tackle him to the ground.  Again, he continued to fight instead of just subduing and going with the police (a fatal thing for anyone to do.)  Then someone yells gun.  Two shots are heard, then the police officer’s gun begins to fire (could tell with the recoil).  Tragic, yes; but Alton could have prevented it from the very moment the police first approached him.

Philando Castillo, again I wept with you.  Yet, if you watch the video closely—Castillo’s hand is on a gun lying in his lap which is cause for a policeman to shoot if the other will not place their hands in clear sight.  Unfortunately the girlfriend’s story changed multiple times over the next 24 to 48 hours as well.

How quickly we want to jump to conclusions or judge before we know the truth.  Do the leaders of Black lives Matter really care about you?  Or do they only want their own names in lights at your expense.  Do we need to sit down and talk?  Yes!  Do we need to step in as a community and help single mothers as they raise their children.  Yes!  Still, the ideas of some politicians to throw welfare at you and keep you enslaved to the government hasn’t been much real help.  We need true social and economical reforms in all communities. WE all need to reach out a hand of love, care, forgiveness, and grace toward each other.  We need our police!!  We need heroes like Chief David Brown who has really made a difference for black lives!!  You don’t need more leaders who respond in their interviews by saying, “Become part of solution!! Never would I do that!!   We want a non-police state so we can rule ourselves!!”   How’s that going?  After all, the founder of “black lives matter”  who made that statement was first a part of  the black feminist movement.  Might wonder about the final motives, if this movement leads to more black men being targeted or becoming the violent attackers who are killed during the crossfire or jailed?  Well, just a thought.

The truth is I say all of this because I really do love each and every one of you.  I mourn for so much blood shed.  I mourn for the officers,  I mourn for the black community.  The only hope to heal these wounds is love, forgiveness and new beginnings as we can only obtain in Christ Jesus.  I remain on bended knee in prayer that you find hope to replace your despair, peace to replace your anger.  Years ago, during 16 years of severe abuse; I learned that anger only destroyed me further—blocking all chance of finding peace, joy or love.   As this should have been poetry Sunday, let me end with this poem of true love and forgiveness as is found in God’s Gift of His Son.


As darkness filled the noon day sky

The earth shuddered and did quake

A trembling as God’s heart did break?

As wrath and hate screamed crucify

Christ had come with heart full of love

Forgiveness for mankind to buy

Through all the tears He did must cry

Humbly He left His throne above

It would seem that all was then loss

Their pardon was His final plea

His Gift of Grace for all to see

He bowed and died upon that cross

The Father’s love, it was so great

Awake, my son, arise awake

He called Him forth a new dawn break

Pure Love had conquered death and hate

Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see

So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

My heart so filled with darkest fear

Shattered by evil, hate and pain

Falling torrential like the rain

Anguish filling my every tear

Through broken cracks God’s love shone in

He wrapped me tightly in His arms

And there so free from all life’s harms

Forgiveness, joy, and love did win

Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see

So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

Don’t fall into some dark abyss

With pain and guilt that pull you down

Until you feel that you may drown

Look up to God, In Him is bliss

Love has won the victory

Joy rings forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life they do surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see

So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

Tomorrow, I continue my introduction to the book of Daniel as we look at the life of Josiah.  History often can teach us so much and guide us along the way.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2016

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