7 Attributes of Glory Displayed In the Heart of Jesus

7 Attributes of Glory Displayed In the Heart of Jesus

As we walk along this pilgrimage journey, we often must face sorrow, pain, loss, and loneliness. Our hearts long to belong, to be known, or to have left a mark on this world. It is the common cry of the human heart to want to be someone, anyone. We want to be remembered or noticed. We long for Glory without even realizing the truths of what it means to be truly Glorious. Webster’s definition of Glory is splendid beauty, worthy of honor and admiration. What truly is Glorious? Would it not be to have splendor, majesty, and honor that is without blemish? Yet, the human heart that is so prone to self-exaltation would be at such risk of pride blemishing the very reflection of Glory once obtained. So, what are the true attributes of Glory? In John 17, as Jesus prays to the Father while walking toward the Garden of Gethsemane; we are given a glimpse of true Glory.

Pathway to Glory

There are seven attributes that we see displayed in the heart of Jesus that are the core essence of His Glory. They are why His Name is Above all other names to be praised with Glory and Honor. Those attributes are:

1. Submissive Obedience to the Father no matter what. Willingly, He had left heaven with all its splendor and beauty to walk upon this earth, suffering all the ill effects of a fallen world’s agony. Willingly, He walked this world separated from the presence of His Father. He longed to be seated beside Him once more “Father, Glorify me with Your Self as I was glorified before the world was formed” (John 17: 5). Obediently, He bore the sins of the whole world upon the cross, rejected by those whom He came to save. Obediently, He bore His Father’s Wrath against sin—an agony we cannot even imagine. We, who are guilty, agonize when we are punished deservingly. Imagine, bearing all of the guilt and shame of the world. So, the first attribute of Glory is Submissive Obedience to the Heavenly Father, no matter what.

2. Bearing fruit (John 7:23.24)—the willingness to die that others might be saved—there would be no salvation, no fruit unless the seed die. He was willing to give His life so that we might find abundant life in Him.

3. Humility (Emptying of Self) Phil 2:6-11 in that humbling act He was glorified. Willingly He humbly deflected all His own Glory back to the Father. Willingly, He humbled Himself to come to this earth and live a very humble life amongst the poorest. He did not seek honor for Himself; yet, for that reason, He is exalted high above all others by God the Father. His humility is part of His Glory.

4. Grace and Forgiveness (Ephesians 1:3) “to the praise of the glory of grace”.

5. Generosity by sharing that glory with us, though we are so undeserving

2 Thessalonians 1:10-12

6. By filling us with fruits of righteousness not our own Phil 1:10-11. Not only did He willingly share with us His Glory, He has shared with us the fruits of righteousness. He has covered us with His Righteousness. He has provided us with His Gospel truth and has commissioned us to go and tell the world. He doesn’t need me to spread His gospel. He has privileged me with that commission so as to share in His Joy with another’s salvation. He has allowed me to be a part of that here and even more so one day in heaven when I may present to Him the fruit of my labor—which is actually His own labor. How cool is that?

7. Petitioning Prayer—All of John 17 is a petitioning prayer of Christ for those who would be His followers. He spent hours in prayer with the Father while He was on this earth—is not that an example for you and me as well?


These seven attributes of glory in the heart of Jesus should serve as a reminder to us of what Glory truly looks like. God created us to shower upon us His Perfect Love. He created us to be bathed in His Joy. He created us so that He might cover us with His Glory. As He transforms our hearts to be more like Jesus, shouldn’t we begin to mirror some of these same attributes? [bctt tweet=”The road to Glory may be a narrow, winding path that I must walk alone with God my only companion”] [bctt tweet=”God is my only hope of Glory, my Joy & my Greatest Treasure.”][bctt tweet=”What does your road to Glory look like?”]

The song I chose for you today is one that is my prayer each day of my life,  Abide with Me by Matt Redman.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2015

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