5 Reasons Why the Pharisees Should Have Recognized Jesus

5 Reasons Why the Pharisees Should Have Recognized Jesus

The Pharisees were angry. How dare this man-Jesus heal people on the Sabbath!! Worse even, he tells the man to carry his bed. In their ritualistic carrying out of the law they had added many “traditions” of their own which included no medical practices on the Sabbath and no burden bearing. No one was to write anything on the Sabbath, carry a needle in their clothing, or put out a lamp. Then to add to this “breaking of their law”—He proclaimed to be the Son of God—equal in essence and nature to God. “How could that be?” they proclaimed. Calmly, confidently Jesus proceeds to tell them 5 reasons why they should have recognized Him as the long awaited Messiah. Why is that important for you and for me? As we look at these 5 reasons, let us remember that John very carefully chose what he was recording so as that we might see just enough of Jesus to desire Him, to know Him and to believe the truth unto life.

aiden,flower,God's glory

In this response of Jesus, we can see the 5 reasons why the Pharisees should have recognized Jesus and also the truths of why they did not. Is there any area of unbelief in your own heart as to who Jesus really is? Is there any area of unbelief in your own heart as to the majesty and power of Jesus? Do you doubt that “all things work together for good” in your life because Jesus, Your Savior came to purchase life eternal for you? Then my prayer is that you see His Glory and realize that in Him, you have all that you need.


John the Baptist had come to bear witness that the Messiah was coming. Even the Pharisees rejoiced in the idea that the Messiah was coming and had for a season sought to hear what John said. Yet, they had a preconceived notion that Jesus was coming to set up His earthly kingdom right then and that only the Jewish people would be saved while all others destroyed. They wanted the lion of Judah to arrive, not the sacrificial lamb that came to pay the penalty for their sin. Too often, people want to see Jesus as the one to “fix their problems” here and now. They don’t want an eternal Savior who will transform them, step by step into His likeness through trials. Too often we seek the gifts instead of the Giver of the gifts.


The miracles that Jesus performed. Isaiah had prophesized that God would come to His people to save them and they would see “the glory of Lord and the Excellency of God…..Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart and the tongue of the dumb sing” (Isaiah 35: 2-6). All around us each and every day, God’s sustaining grace is a miracle in our life. Too often, we hurry and scurry about our lives; taking for granted the good things and grumbling because we want more. Like the Pharisees we are too blinded to see the truth of what wondrous miracles surround us of God’s beauty and grace being displayed.


God bears witness of Jesus. “And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). The Pharisees did not hear the voice of God because they “did not have His word abiding in” them. (John 5:38). God bears witness to our hearts the truths of who Jesus is; but, are we listening? Do you hear that quiet, soft voice of hope, love, and joy in Christ? Are you listening to it? Do you take the time to sit quietly alone with God? The Pharisees with all their talk about God did not know God. Let that not be said of us.


The entirety of the scripture, old and new testaments; bare witness of Jesus Christ. Study that you might know Him. Seek Him with all your heart. The Pharisees did study the scripture; but, unfortunately they studied that they might be praised by men. “But I know you that ye have not the love of God in you…How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?”(John 5:44). God has promised that if we seek Him first, He will reveal to our hearts the beauty of who He is. God is the treasure that we seek, the love that fulfills, and our joy. Why would we not long to read the love letters He left us?


They saw Jesus as one who came to rebuke them and to condemn them. But the truth was that the law provided through Moses was the truth that no man can be righteous by His own works. The law showed that there must be a sacrifice to pay for man’s sin. Moses pointed to the Messiah who would come as the sacrificial lamb to pay the penalty for all of man’s sins. Yet, the Pharisees wanted to believe in their own righteousness. They are condemned by their refusal to accept Jesus as the atonement for their sin, the final sacrifice. Jesus came to save and to give life. Those who refuse His offer of salvation, condemn themselves for having not believed in the one. Man is too often so filled with “self-exaltation” and pride to humbly accept God’s gift of life.

The song I chose for you today as written by John Newton.  Help My Unbelief

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   To obtain your own portrait, logo, or art design please contact Ronald Barba at the email below.    If you can dream it, he can draw or design it for you.  Do you want to surprise someone with an extraordinary special gift of a personal portrait?  An idea for a book cover?  Or a new logo?  Feel free to email him at Artedabarba@gmail.com   to discuss any art projects.

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