5 Reasons Why Jesus Waits and Your Unshakeable Joy

5 Reasons Why Jesus Waits and Your Unshakeable Joy

This journey of life sometimes is tough. Our hearts are ripped in pieces when we watch a child suffering or a loved one battling cancer. Divorce, death, illness, suffering, financial ruin, tragedies are all a real part of our lives. We look into heaven too often with hearts that just don’t understand why. We plead for answers and God says, “Wait” or worse, we hear silence as we wait.

In His Waiting


Jesus had left Bethany and was teaching “across the Jordan” where many came to believe in Him. While there, Jesus was sent word that Lazarus was sick. “5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.6 When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was” (John 11). Mary, Martha and Lazarus were dear friends of Jesus. They believed that He was the Messiah and could perform miracles. They loved Him, trusted Him, and believed He would come. I can imagine they watched the road, waiting for Him to arrive. It was with great anticipation, they watched for Him and they watched Lazarus. They knew that Jesus could heal Him and believed that He would; yet, Lazarus did not show any signs of getting better and Jesus didn’t arrive. In fact, Lazarus died; while Mary and Martha waited for a miracle. Their sorrow made heavier because they knew that if Jesus had merely spoken, Lazarus would have lived. It was in deepest of despair that they buried their brother. Didn’t Jesus care? Why didn’t Jesus come?


Isn’t that what we ask when our hearts are breaking and no miracle comes? Some would say it is a lack of faith that blocks the miracle. Is it? Or isn’t it our faith that makes the silence more agonizing? We know that God is ABLE; but, has chosen not to respond. What are we to do with that? Too often, we allow Satan to tell us that it is our sin, our failure of faith, and our guilt that causes God not to love us enough to answer our prayer. But that is just a lie of Satan. The answer is given us here in John 11. If we understand the reasons why Jesus waits; then we can trust Him even when He waits.  There are 5 reasons why Jesus waits revealed in John 11 and each of the 5 are loving reasons that will lead to your finding abounding joy, hope, and faith.  Let’s take a look at all five.


1. He loves us, so He waits. It is right there in verse 5 to 6. Because He loved them, He waited. It wasn’t a lack of love that caused Him to wait. He knew that they were anxiously looking for Him. He knew that their hearts were in agony. But He also knew that He was going to show them something so wondrous that never again would they grow anxious. He was going to give them a joy, hope and peace greater than anything they could imagine. He wanted them to see the magnificence of God’s Glory in such a manner that they would never know fear, anxiety or agonizing sorrow again. Because He loved them so much, He waited.

2. Jesus waited so He could display God’s Glory. “4 But when Jesus heard about it he said, “The purpose of his illness is not death, but for the glory of God” (John 11 TLB). The crowds and people had many been mesmerized by the miracles of Jesus; but, still did not realize the Glory of God that had been displayed. They had not come to seek God for His beauty, His grace, and His Glory. Instead, they only sought their own pleasure in what they could gain themselves from the miracles. They wanted the miracles. Jesus waited so that the crowd of mourners would be present surrounding the tomb. He was about to display God’s Glory as the giver of life itself.

3. Jesus waited so that He could foreshadow His own resurrection and the Glory that would be His on that day. Jesus knew that Mary, Martha and the disciples would mourn when He died on the cross. He wanted to show them His power over death. He wanted to give them a glimpse of hope for the dark moment they would face as He hung on the cross. What better way to foretell of His coming resurrection from the grave than to demonstrate that His Father had power over death. “Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe” (John 11).

4. Jesus waited so that the truth of His words could be transformed into heart felt reality in their lives. As we get closer we hear Martha say that she believes that whatever Jesus asks the Father, he can do. Still, she hesitates when he requests the stone be rolled back. She says she believes that Jesus is the resurrection; yet, she continues to weep over the death of Lazarus. Words mean little until they become real to us. I can say that “All things work together for my good.” But, I don’t rejoice in trials until those words become an anchor of truth for me.

5. Jesus waited so that He could give Abounding Joy–Joy greater than anything they had ever known. Ah, the human heart. We so quickly become complacent or content. We lay aside our daily prayers, our Bible study when all seems to be going well. We quickly say, “Thank you God for all these blessings.” We are happy with little counterfeit joys. Abounding Joy in Christ—that often comes only after waiting for an answer. When the “light of the knowledge of God” shines deep into our hearts and souls. Joy, hope and love overflowing like fountains of living water. That kind of joy is often only found after a season of drought.

When God waits to provide an answer to your prayer, remember this. He is doing it because He loves you so much that He desires that you see a true glimpse of His glory so that never again will you have to face anxiety. He wants to give you a joy that cannot be taken away by any circumstance this world will bring. He is preparing you for a future filled with His Hope, His Love, His Glory and His Joy. [bctt tweet=”Yet a little while and you will see God’s Glory in the midst of your circumstances.”] [bctt tweet=”God’s Glory will rise and you will see your gift in waiting becomes unshakable faith.”]

The song I chose for you today is Glorious Unfolding

Have you ever had to wait for an answer from God and then were amazed?  I would love to here of your story.  Click here to share your comments or your story.

Living Bible (TLB) The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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