Worry Free Humility

Swept Away by Grace—A Study in I Peter (part 22)—Worry Free Humility

In this letter, Peter keeps reminding the early church of the Amazing Grace of God that saves them and that keeps them; holding them firm and steady through every stormy trial that they might face. He urges the elders of the church to teach the new believers by example and with gentleness of heart. Within the church, this was to be the order set and Peter then turns to tell the younger believers to submit to the authority of the elders and to open their minds to learn. You see that at the beginning of verse 5 in chapter 5. “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder.” Then as he is telling them this, as though a sudden revelation came, he continues with “all of you (elders and young believers) be as servants subject to provide, guide and teach each other”.


Lest there be any pride—oh dear sweet Peter—no one could understand the perils of pride better than tempestuous, quick spoken, impulsive Peter. Peter had learned through his denial of Christ and the gracious way that Christ bid him to “feed the sheep”. He had been placed in a very high place as a leader of the church; yet, Peter had learned that the power, the strength, the love and the wisdom to perform came from God alone. Peter had been stripped of all his own pride and was humbled by the mighty hand of God—recognizing His omnipotent power that could have said “done” and the earth would have crumbled; yet, at the same time awed by the Grace and Love that had proclaimed him a redeemed, sanctified Saint.

Peter then wrote:


I Peter 5: 5….” Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Humility is not something that I can just adorn until I see at least a glimpse of the magnitude of God’s Glory and Grace. When I see Him through Christ and focus upon His loving face; then, I cannot help but fall before Him in humility. As His light illumines the darkness of my own heart, I become acutely aware that I have nothing to present before His throne of grace. That creates within me a heart of forgiveness and grace to the rest of the world.

Even more amazing, humility of that nature also frees me from all worries and all fretting. When I know that God, who is all powerful, loves me unconditionally based on His mighty grace purchased by Him on the cross—How could I ever worry about any triviality of today.  What a wondrous Grace that fills our hearts with love, joy, hope, and humility.  Wow. 

Listen to this song:  Broken and Spilled Out by Steve Green

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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