Spiritual Warfare is real. Christians face demonic attack every day. Indeed, those attacks intensify whenever we are winning battles. Satan, the supreme liar and accuser of the brethren wants to destroy your testimony and mine. Paul spends the first three and ½ chapters of the letter “Ephesians” describing in detail the position every Christian hold in Christ. Then, Paul writes concerning characteristics of the Christian walk. Finally, he ends in Chapter 6 describing the Spiritual Battle every Christian must face. The battle is raging in the Spiritual Realm beyond our sight; however, it also rages within our minds and thoughts. The order presented by Paul was not coincidental. Before, you and I can win this Spiritual Warfare happening in our minds; we must know our position in Christ. Victory is ours; because, Jesus won that victory at Calvary.
For me, the same proved true. My salvation certainly remained secure from the moment I first accepted Christ as my Savior; however, in the day to day battles often I met defeat. I tried harder, studied intensely, pleaded forgiveness and promised that I would do better. Alas, I would advance 10 steps and fall back 12. Satan attacked relentlessly in the recesses of my mind. As the liar and accuser that he is; Satan whispered: “God can’t possibly really love you after all your failures. You will never be good enough! Why do you keep writing, God won’t use you to help anyone! Aha, look you failed again! Why would God Bless you? Maybe this is God’s punishment; after all, that is what you deserve: NOTHING!” On and on Satan would rant, sometimes shouting in my thoughts until I would throw up my hands in defeat.
Not anymore, I have learned how to raise my hand and firmly say, “Satan, You ARE a liar! I am God’s Blessed, Chosen Beloved Child. So, shut up Satan, I have work to do for my Father.”
Although the spiritual warfare continuing at a bigger scale all around us–in countries, societies and internationally does require us to pray; there is another war which rages on in our thoughts. Satan and his followers would love to destroy the gospel message, one messenger at a time. If he can destroy my testimony for Christ; Satan rejoices with as much glee as when he creates worldwide chaos by interjecting evil ideologies and religions around the world. Knowing this truth; I must learn a better strategy when engaged in spiritual warfare. This begins by taking captive my own thoughts; replacing the erroneous thoughts with God’s truth.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
Do you see that? Casting down, destroying all imaginary thought that revolts against the true knowledge of God’s truth. Furthermore, bringing into captivity every thought! How I think becomes crucial in this spiritual warfare. Therefore, knowing my true position in Christ, as declared in scripture; is imperative to winning the battles of life.
Proverbs 23:7 tells us that “as a man thinketh in his heart, he is”. Yet, I do not want you to get caught up in the modernized version proclaimed by new age philosophers and prosperity gospel; because, their ideology places the power within the individual’s hands. Whereas, the true positive thinking, able to win the spiritual battles; comes from God only. In our moving forward to grasp this 3rd Truth Foundation of position; we must never forget Truth Foundation #1. God IS. He is the being without whom nothing else exists. I am nothingness until my Being is found in Him. From that beginning premise; we now can move on to discovering a positive thinking founded upon the gospel truths that IN Christ I am God’s redeemed, beloved, chosen, blessed Child. In Christ, I have everything I need to win the spiritual battle in my mind.
Therefore, yes; we must learn how to take captive our thoughts and to gain the victory that is ours in Christ Jesus. Only by recognizing that this spiritual warfare begins and ends with God’s might; can I become victorious over the daily battles I face.
Over the next few weeks we will delve deeply into our position in Christ, so that you and I win gain the victory that is ours.
[tweetthis]Satan wants to win the spiritual battle in your head by lies & accusations[/tweetthis]
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[tweetthis]Knowing my position (who I am in Christ) gives me victory[/tweetthis]
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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017
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