Why Did The Crowd Leave Sad After Being Fed?

Why Did The Crowd Leave Sad After Being Fed?

When I first met Dee at the jail, I was drawn to her. There was a brokenness and sadness mixed with a nervousness. She was one of a handful of women that seemed to over the next few years lay heavy on my heart and would be the ones I “took under my wings” to teach. When she got out of jail, I hired her to clean my house from time to time. I invested time and money into Dee’s recovery. She had said that she was saved and following Christ; but, there seemed no joy. She wanted God to pour “things” upon her. The church helped for a long time; but, her needs seemed insatiable and it was found that she intermittently would fail and return to her drugs or the prostitution for the drugs. As everyone in frustration, walked away—I couldn’t. She grumbled about God’s failure and how cruel the world was. One day, I asked, “Do you really know Jesus as your Savior?” Her reply, “I think so.” “If Jesus gave you nothing in return for your praise, would your praise Him anyway?” I asked. I pressed on; “If there were no heaven, would you love Him because He is worthy to be loved?” She said, “NO”. “Then I fear you may not know Him as your Savior” I replied. Over the next year, my finances changed and I could not help Dee; except, to be there to listen and advise when she called. She began to learn to love our friendship even if I had nothing I could give her. She kept reading her Bible as I suggested.

Trust Him in the Morning Light

Then, one day it happened that she called. “I got it!!”She exclaimed. “What did you get, Dee?” With such enthusiasm, she then said; “Jesus is all I need. I understand that now.” That is when I finally saw her life take shape and for her to find happiness in whatever circumstance. Life didn’t suddenly become easy; but, she had found Christ as her Savior. No longer was she in search of a “miracle genie”; she now had the giver of life in her to guide her steps.



It was again the season of the Passover when Jesus went up into the mountain to preach. A large crowd of 5000 men plus women and children were following him “because they saw his miracles which He did” (John 6:2). He asked Phillip, “Where can we buy bread that they may eat?” We are told that Jesus knew what he was going to do; but, only asked Phillip as a test. Phillip had been walking with Jesus for at least over a year by this time and had seen all the miracles; yet, did not respond like someone who realized that with God all things are possible. Instead, Phillip counts the money and declares it isn’t enough. Andrew proclaims, “There is a lad with two fish and five loaves of bread.” Ah, yes maybe Andrew understands? Not really, he ends it with a sigh, “but what is that among so many.” Jesus tells them to have the people sit down and they pass the bread and fish around to all the people. The fish and loaves were replenished over and over again by God until all were fed and 12 baskets of bread were left over. What a miracle!! The crowd was ecstatic!! This must be the prophet spoke of by Moses. This must be the KING of Israel that was promised.


“When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone” (John 6:15). We know from the other gospels that Jesus went into the mountain to pray. He knew the hearts of this crowd of followers. They wanted Him to be a King to provide their needs here, to free them from Roman rulers and to set up His Kingdom on earth. They did not seek a humble sacrificial lamb who would lay down His life to pay the penalty for their sin. Did they even recognize their sin? Or were they like we too often are. We look at all that we do or that we are “following Jesus”; and think that we deserve “so much more.” We mistakenly believe that “we deserve the miracles.” We, too often, fail to see that truly Jesus is all that we need. He is life. In Christ, I have everything to cause my heart to sing with Joy.


The crowd searched for Jesus and found him on the other side of the lake though they knew he had not entered the boat with the apostles. They were puzzled but still pressing forward to follow “this prophet” because of the miracles He performed. Jesus tried to tell them that He was the bread of life and would lay down His life so they might have life. Yet, they murmured amongst themselves because they did not understand. Their eyes were focused on their own desires, today. He tried to tell them that He was come down from heaven to save them; yet, they did not see His Glory and again murmured amongst themselves. At the end of chapter 6 we are told, “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him”.


Why is all this so important for us to understand? There are two major keys I want to point out; although, if you go back and read John 6 you will find so many more.

1. We need to ask ourselves that very serious question. “Do I really know Jesus as my bread of life or am I merely seeking today’s bread?” Do I realize that He is all I will ever need? All the things-these “counterfeit joys” that my heart desires are worthless compared to a relationship with Him. Jesus is my Joy. What about you? Are you seeking Jesus, the bread of life or merely seeking today’s bread?

2. As, Phillip—what is God testing your response on today? Do you trust Him when your spouse walks away? Do you trust Him when your job is suddenly gone and no other is in sight? Do you trust Him with your lonely heart? What about in the midst of illness, chronic pain, or the loss of a loved one? Do you still believe that He is enough and that His plan for your life is perfect—no matter what? Have you recognized enough of His Glory to realize He is all you need? So it is ok to breath Him in and then exhale hope, peace and joy.

[bctt tweet=”There is no greater testimony or praise that Glorifies Christ more than recognizing He is my Joy Song.”]

The song I chose for you today is: The Bread of Life

The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header and  who designed my logo is Ronald Barba.   Feel free to email him at Artedabarba@gmail.com

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.