When We Have Failed God—What Now? Part 1

What do we do when we awaken to the fact that we have failed God?  Trust me those times will come.  If they haven’t for you, perhaps you have never been awakened to the reality of the depth of darkness that is within your own heart or you have not yet  realized the magnitude of righteousness which is God. This is declared in Isaiah 41:25-26, Romans 3:10, and Isaiah 64:5-7.  We have nothing that we can bring before Christ of our own works nor sacrifice that is sufficient to cover our guilt before God.  So when we fail do we just throw up our hands and say it doesn’t matter, I will just continue in sin because I am unable to do this thing called Christian living?  Never is that the answer either; because sin fractures the joy of our relationship with Christ.   David and Peter were all too aware of that fact.  Yet, why do we keep falling into these pits, many times the same one over and over? (Proverbs 24: 16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again). Yes, God recognizes our frailty as is demonstrated by that verse and also by Psalm 103: 10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

So yes, the mercy of God covers our sins and yes, He understands we will fail; but that does not mean I just accept the fact that I am a "sinner" saved by grace and continue on in my sin.  That also is a misinterpretation of doctrine.  True, I cannot of my own volition perform or live out this Christian life; but I can through Christ and IN Christ be daily transformed more and more into His likeness. I would suggest you go back to the previous series entitled Living in Christ and the series Glory to Glory for greater insight.  In this series, I want to try to bring out some practical steps to help you in this Pilgrimage Journey as Christians.  These principles took me a lifetime thus far to learn with many a tearful heart break along the way.  Many times our failures are a result of misinterpreting doctrine or having been taught wrong doctrine from the beginning. So first, let’s look at some of the truths we must embrace or find ourselves in great agony of spirit.

1. What is it to be a Christian?  The word means Christ like.  But I just said, there is nothing in my human heart that can ever be Christ like.  This covetous, self exalting heart is always focused on "me".  The world would even tell us that we must focus upon ourselves and who we are.  The miraculous thing is that Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sin and my unrighteousness so that IN Christ I become a new creature.  That is I die to self that He might reign ruler over my regenerate heart.  He has made the great exchange by taking on my filthy rags of sin and then clothing me with His righteousness.  Yet so often I don’t believe this and try to do things on my own, my way.  My self-exalting heart wants to prove that I am worthy of this gift; yet, it was a gift that I cannot earn.  What makes me think that God needs anything from me? Acts 17: "24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;".  I am special only because He chose me.  All my discipleship (repentance, obedience, service action, praying is acceptable only because I am "in Christ."  Thus, I have no source of pride nor despairing within my self. My only hope is knowing who I am IN Christ and denouncing who I am without Him.  I have no righteousness of my own; but only a righteousness than He gives to me.  I must always keep focus of this and focus upon Him so that He might live out that life through me.

2.  Why do I seek Christ?  Do I truly see God as worthy of my praise, even if He gave me nothing in return?  Many get tangled up in this and many who think they are Christians have never come to a saving knowledge of Christ.  Some go forward in a church to "turn over a new leaf"; but do not recognize that they cannot earn God’s grace.  Some go forward to "avoid hell"; but have no repentant heart. Some go forward to merely gain the prestige of being the part of a church thinking it makes them a better person or more prestigious in the community.  Some come in hopes of all the gifts God may give them like a Santa Claus God. These often are seasonal and only go through the motion when they are in need of something and forget God when things are going well.  Another group, come forward to "accept Christ"; but believe He is not enough and that their salvation is dependent upon their works. They go through the motion of working their way into heaven, either being filled with pride of their own accomplishments rather than giving the Glory to Christ or fall to the wayside when they fail thinking it all hopeless. Salvation comes only when we have come to the end of who we are, recognizing that we have nothing to bring to the foot of the cross, no bargaining chip to gain God’s favor, and in true repentance lay our sins at the foot of the cross.  We must recognize our own unworthiness.  We must though dimly see God as Glorious, beautiful and worthy of praise.  Only then, do we seek after Him. Only then do we truly desire to know Him as our greatest treasure and lay aside all other desires to follow Him. 

The first step toward knowing what to do when you have failed is recognizing if you truly know the truth of the gospel of Christ. Second you must come before God with a broken and contrite heart which we will look at more fully tomorrow.  Thirdly, you must walk through the steps of true repentance. 

Glory to Glory
Glory to Glory, my life now defined
Boughten, redeemed by Your love divine
Transforming my life by Your joy sublime
Laying my life down, I give you my time
To seek your full Glory, all else I resign.

Undeserving I be, now my sins You erase
Let me lay down my life for my cross to embrace
What else could I seek but Your glorious face
Right there beside me each step of this race
It is Your joy, Your peace, Your mercy, Your grace
