When I Am Most Fragile

Victory’s Battle Cry—A Study in Joshua Part 14- When I Am Most Fragile

Have you ever noticed that whenever you experience an amazing victory in Christ that suddenly there seems to be an all out attack against you? Suddenly, yesterday’s joyous strength and hope seems only a memory. You awoke feeling less than victorious. Suddenly, you remember how fragile you are and the weight of your ineptness seems to overwhelm. Everything around you gives the appearance that you are being attacked from every side. You know that God gave you the victory yesterday; yet, suddenly you wonder if He will today.


Photo used by permission of Sarah Barba to whom the copyright belongs—click on link

In Joshua 11, we find that very scene. The fame regarding God’s Children being victorious in gaining all the Southern lands of Canaan had quickly spread. Joshua had returned to Gilgal; perhaps to rest before going out to take the lands of the north. The Kings of the North began joining forces to launch their attack on the Children of Israel. They did not desire to bow to God Almighty. Instead, they planned to annihilate the people of God before they could spread northward into their lands. Much the same response we get when trying to go forth and spread the gospel. These warriors from the north were stronger and had great horses and chariots with which to attack the Israel Nation who were on foot.

What was God’s answer? Oh, that I will get to in a moment after I confess that for the last three days I have been the one who felt very fragile in this pilgrimage journey.

That coming off a period of time when I felt like walking on air from the wonder and expectation of watching how God was unfolding the Glorious Miracles in my life. Perhaps that is it, I become so caught in the awe and wonder of the expectation that I don’t see that Satan is gathering his army of whispering doubt to knock me down. Should I be more specific? I tithe my 10% to the church and give 6% to other ministries. This month, I knew that God was asking me to stretch a little further and give extra to a ministry that lately I had not been able to send my support as before. After a lot of prayer, I did and left it to God to balance the books His way. Friday, it appeared that things were going upside down instead of right side up. Also, when I came to Missouri, I am nearer to one son; but left another son and family behind in Florida. The plan was for him to follow. So, also Friday I hear the disappointing news that his initial application was denied here. Adding to that, I noticed myself getting irritated with Mom, regardless of how hard I try or promise that I won’t; there it is, I am a failure. Certainly, that led then to my feeling less secure at work; although, nothing happened to confirm that. More like Satan’s whisper of “You are a joke, a failure—why would God use you?” Have you ever been there? Funny, I am the one who wrote with full strength and conviction the previous two blogs from Joshua. In Greater Grace, Sovereign Love I reminded you of the faithfulness of God toward us—because of whom He is. It isn’t based on my emotional rollercoaster, He is the same yesterday, today and for all of eternity. He chose me before the earth was formed and He has never left me. He has never been surprised by my foolishness and He has loved me unconditionally. He always is working out the best—His pleasure. He isn’t shaken and He is never responding out of reaction to the circumstances—He knew the circumstances before they happened and is using them for my good and His pleasure. Then, Thursday I had written “when Heaven and Earth Stood Still” and chronicled the story in Joshua 10 where God had stopped the earth and heavens in their rotation until Joshua had gained the victory. He had also rained down hailstones large enough to defeat the enemies. I had concluded “God is willing to stop heaven and earth to provide for His Children. He will rain down hailstones upon Satan’s army if need be to give us the Victory over sin. All you need do is Call on the name of Lord.” Then, Friday I awoke feeling very fragile and no matter how hard I tried to pray, read the scripture, trust, and stand on faith—I felt fragile. Yesterday, I spent listening to sermons, listening to Christian music and praying. I asked that God give me a poem that would be a solace for the frailty I felt as a mother—most of the day, no words came—only feelings. Then suddenly, the words were there and I was so grateful to God as I wrote A Mother’s Prayer. I felt peace and joy again. Then, unexpectedly I awoke again today feeling fragile. Why, I asked? I opened my email and there was Day 9 of a series I am receiving from Biblegateway.com called “15 Days in the Word with John Piper”. The title for “Day 9: What To Do If You Wake Up Feeling Fragile.” So, yes, God sends the answer. In this writing, I was reminded to seek for and take solace in God’s “I will” and “I shall” promises of the scripture. Back to, Joshua now and God’s answer to Joshua and to me, “Joshua 11: 6 And the Lord said unto Joshua, Be not afraid because of them: for tomorrow about this time will I deliver them up all slain”. Many obstacles seemed to be in my way toward getting to church, so I went anyway and there I heard Dave Cover preach an excellent sermon that drove the message into my heart. I Corinthians 1: (GNV) “4 [j]I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God, which is given you in Jesus Christ.5 That in all things ye are made rich in him [k]in [l]all kind of speech, and in all knowledge:6 [m]As the testimony of Jesus Christ hath been [n]confirmed in you:7 So that ye are not destitute of any gift: [o]waiting for the[p]appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.8 [q]Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be [r]blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.9 God is [s]faithful, by whom ye are called unto the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

If you awake feeling you are under attack or if you just feel fragile, please do these 6 steps.

1. Pray—even if all you can say is “I am broken and I don’t know what to say.”

2. Read the Word of God and pay close attention to the words of God saying “I Will or I Shall”

3. Surround yourself with Christian Songs

4. Go back and read Day 9 of John Piper’s writings. I am certain you already went to https://www.biblegateway.com/newsletters/ and signed up to get these devotionals.

5. Listen to Dave Cover’s sermon “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” which I am certain you have already downloaded as well from


6. Remember that God’s ability to use you is dependent solely on whom He is and has little to do with you. I personally thank God for that truth.

1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

Photography is used with written permission of Sarah Barba who owns the copyright. Her work can be found at: http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/sarah+barba/all

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