When Heaven and Earth Stood Still

Victory’s Battle Cry—A Study in Joshua Part 13—When Heaven and Earth Stood Still

As we move on to Chapter 10 in Joshua, I believe that there are three main lessons within this chapter that we must learn and take to heart to help us in the battles of life against sin.


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If we learn these three lessons we can be victorious in our battle against sin.  These include having the heart of a servant toward God, honoring our commitments, and remembering that there is power in the name of God.

The Gibeonite people had sworn their servitude to the Israeli nation in return for their life being spared. They had rejected their idols to worship God, for they feared and revered Him as the Almighty Conqueror. The fact that they lied was now past history; because, once caught they did not make any excuses except that they feared for their life because they believed that God was the Almighty one. They feared God more than all the other Kings and nations that surrounded them. How many first may come to church with some false excuse to gain prestige or position? Some may even come in hope that God will prosper them with worldly goods? Some come because they fear the idea of hell? Yet, of those who first come to church for self-centered humanistic reasons; when the light of truth reveals the deceit of their heart, they must choose.  Either they will find themselves so overwhelmingly grateful for all God did for them at the cross that they willingly fall before Him as His humble servant; desiring nothing except to follow Him. Or they will find themselves deserting and returning to seek worldly treasure. Or a few will just remain in their self-righteous world of make believe with no root to sustain them when the storm comes. Where would you categorize yourself?

As we begin Joshua chapter 10, we find that instead of the Israelites facing now the remaining nations one at a time; they must now face them all at once. There were five major kingdoms which were normally rivals who suddenly join forces to go after the Gibeonites. The strength of the covenant made with God’s people was about to be tested. Joshua, being led by the Commander of God’s army (Jesus, pre-incarnate) stood firm to go to battle for this gentile people. Though Joshua had failed to ask God’s plan before entering in this contract; he remained faithful to honor God by remaining a man of His word. That should be said of any of us; of course, unless we contracted to commit a sin for which we must repent and walk away. Any other contract that we have made in the name of God; we should remember that as His representative, we should fulfill with due diligence and not back track when the going looks tough.

“Joshua 10 (MSG) 6 The men of Gibeon sent word to Joshua camped at Gilgal, “Don’t let us down now! Come up here quickly! Save us! Help us! All the Amorite kings who live up in the hills have ganged up on us.”

7-8 So Joshua set out from Gilgal, his whole army with him—all those tough soldiers! God told him, “Don’t give them a second thought. I’ve put them under your thumb—not one of them will stand up to you.”

9-11 Joshua marched all night from Gilgal and took them by total surprise. God threw them into total confusion before Israel, a major victory at Gibeon. Israel chased them along the ridge to Beth Horon and fought them all the way down to Azekah and Makkedah. As they ran from the People of Israel, down from the Beth Horon ridge and all the way to Azekah, God pitched huge stones on them out of the sky and many died. More died from the hailstones than the People of Israel killed with the sword.

12-13 The day God gave the Amorites up to Israel, Joshua spoke to God, with all Israel listening:

“Stop, Sun, over Gibeon;
Halt, Moon, over Aijalon Valley.”
And Sun stopped,
Moon stood stock still
Until he defeated his enemies.

13-14 (You can find this written in the Book of Jashar.) The sun stopped in its tracks in mid sky; just sat there all day. There’s never been a day like that before or since—God took orders from a human voice! Truly, God fought for Israel.”

So, three take away lessons from Chapter 10 are:

1. Decide if you are willing to follow God as a servant to His people. If so, God’s army will be there to protect you in the battles of life.

2. We are to be a people of our word. We are to the best of our ability with God’s strength honor our contracts. Certainly, there are circumstances such as personal disasters that may prevent our doing so; but, we are to remain in prayer over those. Example: If there was any other way that I could pay off my house in Florida and take the loss; I would and God knows that. Currently, I am awaiting a short sale and must leave it all in the hands of God. I do not flippantly walk away nor blame the system for my failure. I do trust God to show me the way.

3. God is willing to stop heaven and earth to provide for His Children. He will rain down hailstones upon Satan’s army if need be to give us the Victory over sin. All you need do is Call on the name of Lord.

Listen to the words of the song and remember there is power in His name. 

The Message (MSG)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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