When Grammy Must Go

When Grammy Must Go

by Effie Darlene Barba


Grammy, Grammy you are here

I heard his little voice

And saw his grin from ear to ear

To love had been his choice


As I looked into that face

That filled my life with joy

My grandson stood there in this place

This little precious boy

Aiden smiling

Chorus 1

So, why must I go Lord

And leave this precious child

With broken heart

I must depart

At your command I go


 Lord, I know your plan is best

The years have taught me this

Upon your love, my soul doth rest

Although his smile I’ll miss


Now dear Lord, then show me how

To say that I must leave

In such a way, my love doth show

And he’s not left to grieve


Chorus 2

Let your love pour down, Lord

Surround his heart with you

Fill him with joy

This dear little boy

Full of hope, and joy, and love


And now I must go

Lay aside all this woe

For you my precious King

Will take care of everything

Question:  Have you ever had to leave someone behind because  God said go?

© 2013 Effie Darlene Barba

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