When God takes it all that we might find Greater Treasure

Power-filled Positive Thinking-Chapter 10A Heir of the Kingdom-When God takes it all that we might find Greater Treasure

It was late December, 1994 when I left Mexico to travel to Missouri to join my sons for Christmas. Pete had died in late July which had begun my incessant journeys from central Mexico to Missouri. I had taken Ronald and Alberto ahead to Missouri to stay with mom so they could start school on time. Yet, I had so much to finish in Mexico; from legally securing the land they had inherited from their father, selling our possessions, and moving our personal possessions back to Missouri. I had traveled these roads through Mexico as a widowed female alone driving a van and pulling a trailer back and forth. I would spend one month in Missouri and one month in Mexico. Mom wasn’t emotionally handling things very well and I knew the boys needed me there as much as I could be. I just needed all the legal stuff in Mexico to end so I could stay with my sons. On this trip in late December, I flew to Laredo because in storage there was Pete’s Porsche Carrera IV which he had loved. When I pulled out the car, it needed new tires and some work on the ignition so there I awaited the repairs. I tried to get insurance; however, I had no Texas address and no one would sell me insurance on such an expensive car. I found out that Pete had let the insurance lapse over a year prior to his death, making it impossible for me to obtain insurance. I had to go on ahead and hope to get the insurance once I arrived in Missouri. It was late on December 22 and 2000 dollars later, when I finally pulled out of Laredo heading north.

Treasure unveiledoriginal photos courtesy of Gregory Adams and Cheryl Delashmit

As I neared Austin, I felt a sense of dread and fear which I tried to shake off. Something kept telling me to stop for the night. My gas tank was low and I felt a sense of panic that something bad could happen if I stopped for gas that late alone with this expensive car.  I had driven back and forth through Mexico alone without fear and now I was terrified. I whispered a prayer as I pulled into the Doubletree Hotel.

Before I checked in, I questioned the clerk about their security for the garage. They assured me the night watchman was in the security booth inside the garage and that if I parked the car near the security booth it would be perfectly safe. I didn’t mind paying a high price for my room, since my car would be safe. I did just that. I parked the car beside the security booth, set the alarm and locked it tight before going in to sleep. The next morning it was gone along with my worn and weathered Bible which I had left in the front seat. The car was gone, there was no insurance to recover the losses and the police instead of showing any concern, accused me of stealing my own car. This despite my having told them I had no car insurance. I called my brother-in-law in Mexico to tell him what had happened when he told me the market in Mexico had crashed and the money I had in the bank was now worth 50% of what it had been. In one day, I lost $50,000.00 and a $100,000.00 car. I had already lost my husband, most of what I had owned I had sold, and I was counting on the money to help me start over. I had to get a plane ticket to get to sons. I flew into Missouri determined to still make this a happy Christmas. I did not understand why; but, I did know that God was sovereign and this was part of His plan. “The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21(TLB). I did not realize at the time that this was only the beginning of a journey to teach me, “Jehoveh Jireh-God is my provider”. Over the course of the coming years I was going to have to rely on faith and God’s providential hand to guide us through. Cancer, surgeries, illness were all yet before me. Yet, God’s gracious hand was there every step of the journey to provide the way and pave my path. He did not provide great financial riches nor extravagant luxuries. Many times I wasn’t certain how I would make it to the next pay check; but I did. In fact, my children finished college without having to support themselves. They had been through too much and had seen too much sorrow, God allowed them to be free from the responsibilities of being adults for just a little longer which was all I desired. God granted me that one request. God taught me of what was of greatest value which has been His presence in my life, my wonderful children whom I adore, and friends who are kind and wise to walk along this journey with me.

Which brings me to the next important identity which is mine in Christ. I am heir of the Kingdom—joint heirs with Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:17; Ephesians 1:11) I have been given treasures beyond measure—love, joy, peace, and faith. One day, I will have a royal crown and walk on streets of gold; but, I don’t think that will matter much to me. What will matter is that I will be fully in the presence of my Heavenly Father. My desire beyond that is to know that those whom I met along this journey are also there in heaven enjoying the pleasure of God’s presence with me.

Listen to this beautiful new song of Keith and Krysten Getty “My Worth is Not in What I Own”

Living Bible (TLB)

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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