The nation stood divided. There were the northern 10 tribes of Israel and then there was Judah comprised of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Beyond their battling against each other, there were the nations surrounding them. God had been their protection and their source for everything; but, they chose to worship many idols. With foreheads of flint, they thought they could both be of this world and do just enough to appease God. Yet, along the way God would send His prophets to warn them. These men were willing to sacrifice everything this world could offer to become truly radical for God’s Glory. Ezekiel was such a man, as we will find in this study. His faith stood amid trials we could hardly imagine enduring. In such a time as this, we too need to become truly radical for God’s Glory.
Israel had already fallen to the Assyrians in 722 BC. This had been after many years of God’s mercy and patience. Yet, despite the word of God going forth to them, the people chose earthly pleasures and pagan worship over the one true God. They maintained only a semblance of worship for God, mixed with everything else. Yet, their hearts were cold. They failed to see God’s Glory as something to seek after. Nor did they remember His words. One might think the remaining tribes would seek God after seeing the fate of their brothers from the north; but alas they did not. God sent them Isaiah to tell them of His Son. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah all warned them of the impending judgement and wrath of God. Still, no one listened.
Despite several God-fearing Kings leading the people back to God, they rebuilt the Pagan altars defiling the name of God
JUDAH- a nation teetering on the edge
As noted above the northern tribes were overtaken by the Assyrian Army, who would have taken Judah as well were it not for the repentance of King Manesseh. How great is God’s Mercy! “The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in loyal love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but by no means clearing the guilty (those who do not turn from their wicked ways)” Numbers 14:18 NET. King Manesseh was very evil until he was taken captive. Then after God restored him to his throne, he tore down all the pagan altars. Even the one where he had sacrificed his own son to Molech. When his son Amon took the throne, evil once more reigned throughout the land. The pagan altars restored, only to be destroyed again by his grandson Josiah.
Josiah was the last God-fearing, good King of Judah before the ultimate overthrow by the Babylonian empire. Zephaniah was the prophet during these times who foretold of the destruction of Jerusalem for its evil deeds and idolatrous worship. Yet, he calls to the people to seek God, declaring that from this remnant, God would restore a people to Himself. He points out that all the wrath and destruction against Judah and all the other evil nations was for one purpose—to purify the nations and that they might know the Lord. Then, for those who seek God, there was this promise.
“ 17 The Lord your God is in your midst;
he is a warrior who can deliver.
He takes great delight in you;[av]
he renews you by his love;[aw]
he shouts for joy over you.”[ Zephaniah 3
Jeremiah/Daniel/Ezekiel: Called to declare God’s Glory
Jeremiah also was God’s prophet inside of Jerusalem beginning in the years of King Josiah and all the way to the Babylonian overthrowing of Jerusalem. He gave up everything for the Lord and suffered great torture by the evil Kings and evil prophets of his day. He remained faithful as God’s weeping prophet truly radical for God’s Glory to be known.
Daniel was taken captive in 605 BC by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon as a warning to Judah not to align with Egypt.
There was a second siege of people from Jerusalem in 597BC which included Ezekiel who was taken into the countryside just south of Babylon to work the fields.
Jeremiah did remain in Jerusalem until nearly the end when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed all of Jerusalem, burning it to the ground in 586 BC.
Now after setting the stage, let us study Ezekiel. Do note the similarities to what we face even today in our own nation. Ask yourself what it would take to become truly radical for God’s Glory.
Ezekiel—Truly Radical for God’s Glory
We begin in Ezekiel 1 with a detailed description as to the time and place where Ezekiel was first called into ministry. After 5 years of captivity, as he turned 30 years old, God called him. Being a priest, it was customary that they assume their ordained role as priest at age 30 (just as did Jesus over nearly 600 years later). He was given a vision of God that made him truly radical for God’s Glory.
1 In the thirtieth year,[a] on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was among the exiles[b] at the Kebar River,[c] the heavens opened[d] and I saw a divine vision.[e] 2 (On the fifth day of the month—it was the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s exile— 3 the Lord’s message came to the priest Ezekiel[f] the son of Buzi,[g] at the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians.[h] The hand[i] of the Lord came on him there.)
Do you remember the moment God placed His hand on you? Oh you might say, if the Lord’s message came to me, then I would seek to do His will. But is not His message there waiting for you every morning? You have His written word that will reveal to you all you need to know of Him. All you must do is open it to see God’s Glory revealed to you. Or look around you. The sky, the earth, and the stars at night all pointing toward His Glory. All of creation declares His glory.
Ezekiel 1: 4-24: Glory and Majesty on Display
In detail, Ezekiel attempts to describe the indescribable. As he depicts the cherubim riding on the storm into our world, he presents them as large creatures with 4 wings, with hands, with fire and lightning coming from their bodies.
These are the cherubim of God who surround His throne and lead his chariot. Ezekiel’s vision closely resembles that of John’s vision in Revelation 4. Nothing like the chubby babies we draw pictures of. Rather they are fierce and majestic creatures doing the will of God. The spirit leads them. But note how they are led.
All that God has Planned Will be Accomplished
15 Then I looked,[ad] and I saw one wheel[ae] on the ground[af] beside each of the four beings. 16 The appearance of the wheels and their construction[ag] was like gleaming jasper,[ah] and all four wheels looked alike. Their structure was like a wheel within a wheel.[ai] 17 When they moved they would go in any of the four directions they faced without turning as they moved. 18 Their rims were high and awesome,[aj] and the rims of all four wheels were full of eyes all around…
20 Wherever the spirit[ak] would go, they would go,[al] and the wheels would rise up beside them because the spirit[am] of the living being was in the wheel. 21 When the living beings moved, the wheels moved, and when they stopped moving, the wheels stopped.[an] When they rose up from the ground, the wheels rose up from the ground; the wheels rose up beside them because the spirit of the living being was in the wheel.
The Wheels represented the Holy Spirit. God’s omniscience always sees everything in every direction. He moves ever forward to accomplish all that He has planned. Nothing can thwart His plan. On this truth, we can be certain.
22 Over the heads of the living beings was something like a platform,[ao] glittering awesomely like ice,[ap] stretched out over their heads. 23 Under the platform their wings were stretched out, each toward the other. Each of the beings also had two wings covering[aq] its body. 24 When they moved, I heard the sound of their wings—it was like the sound of rushing waters, or the voice of the Sovereign One,[ar] or the tumult[as] of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings.
Jesus On His Throne-God’s Glory revealed
25 Then there was a voice from above the platform over their heads when they stood still.[at] 26 Above the platform over their heads was something like a sapphire shaped like a throne. High above on the throne was a form that appeared to be a man. 27 I saw an amber glow[au] like a fire enclosed all around[av] from his waist up. From his waist down I saw something that looked like fire. There was a brilliant light around it, 28 like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds after the rain.[aw] This was the appearance of the surrounding brilliant light; it looked like the glory of the Lord. When I saw[ax] it, I threw myself face down, and I heard a voice speaking.
Some would say, if I truly saw Jesus in a vision then I could be radical for God’s glory. But is that true? All one must do is look around yourself and see His Glory. He that has eyes let him see. Or look at all He has done for you? Therein you will see His Glory like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John. You will see Him on His throne High and lifted up. When we spiritually see His glory, we too will fall before His majesty. Then we too will become radical for God’s Glory, declaring it to everyone we meet. Unashamed by the gospel message.
Furthermore, God equips us with everything we need, if only we ask Him to.
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS- Radical for God’s Glory
Sadly, our world today reveals the same as in the days, of Noah, Sodom, and Ezekiel. Destruction, division, wars, idolatry, chaos, and violence surround us every day. This world is broken due to sin. Humanity is filled with vile selfish pride, regardless of the cost. We worship the Sun, the moon, money, sex, and power. All around us are false teachers and prophets, bidding us to believe the lies for truth. Yet, there is God. His plan moves forward in time. Soon, He will call an end to this age. Where will you stand?
Do you choose Him? He offers salvation at no cost to you, for He paid the price. The only thing is you must come to Him and seek Him, accepting His gift. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There is no other way to God. Have we not already learned that by now? So, the question is what will you do with Jesus? And what will it take for you to become radical for His glory. He has called you to be the messenger to the world. What are you willing to do for Him and to honor His Glory?
DO YOU KNOW CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD? He is our only Hope in Life and Death! Our Joy is found in Him.
If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord: I urge you to go to my page titled How to Be Saved by clicking on this link. There is nothing more important than this; because He is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, I urge you to seek Him today.
For Prayer or Comments
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God’s Glory Revealed in Poetry
©Effie Darlene Barba, 2021
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New English Translation (NET)
NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2017 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash