We are Called to Pray

2 Chronicles 7: 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I have been at the most amazing conference this past weekend at the Church of the Apostles with Dr. Michael Youssef.  I met missionaries from Indonesia, Australia (who are working in the refugee camps) and those who are stationed in the middle east.  True Christianity is alive and growing in the middle east, even in those areas where it is underground.  There was this incredible humble servant of God whom I met that is doing amazing things for God in Indonesia.  43 of his family members were murdered by the Muslim leader; yet, God empowered him with the grace to forgive.  He met with the very leader who had murdered his family and told him that he forgave him;  amazingly, this humble servant of God is now being asked to speak as a guest in some of the muslim events.  He is invited to the president of Indonesia’s home to pray for the president.  Amazing things are happening because of this ministry.  They are able to broadcast into the remote areas of the middle east and are broadcasting in dual language.  One of their major satellites broadcasts in French, Arabic, and English.  It is called the Kingdom Sat   http://thekingdomsat.org/

Additionally, we as Christian need to pray for this our nation.  We need a true Revival of the Truths of God.  We need ourselves, our churches and all Christians to examine themselves.  We cannot be content with counterfeit christian lives, clinging to counterfeit joys; but, we should be the body of Christ representing Him in love, service and humility.  We must show forth Christ, our Risen Savior, in all that we do and all that we say.  We must pray to represent Him and we must pray for our nation before it spirals so far away from God that it falls in total destruction. 

I am attaching a song written and sung by an amazing artist from Lebanon who left all the stardom of being a pop artist to follow Christ.  The English subtitles are present so you can understand the words (unless you understand Arabic)
