Veterans are Heroes, A Tribute to all Veterans

My Grandfather-Veterans Day

My Grandfather was a WWI Veteran.  At the age of 103 he was given France’s highest national award, the Legion of Honor; by M. Jean-Paul Monchau, consul general for the republic of France on behalf of President Chirac.  This was bestowed by France in honor of all the American Soldiers who fought alongside the French soldiers during World War I.  My grandfather fought in the battles of Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, the Argonne Forrest and Belleau Wood.  He was also with the soldiers who smashed the Hindenburg Line.



My Grandfather taught me a lot about honor and respect, love for this country, and about God.   He was a very special man.


I have been privileged to meet many Veterans.  They are each very special in their own way.  We do not know all of what they faced; but, we can see the depth of courage they present and sometimes a shadow of sorrow hidden beneath their eyes.  they willingly sacrificed more than we will ever know to face evil head-on; that we might remain free.  Because of that, I wrote this poem in tribute of our heroes–all Veterans-past, present, and those  who are to choose to serve.

A  Veterans Day Tribute to Our Military Heroes

(To All Who Have Served and are Serving)

A Hero sat beside the grave

His friend was buried there

He wondered if he’d be as brave

When bullets filled the air

A Hero stood beside the bed

A Comrade lying there

“She’ll never walk”, that’s what they said

It all seemed so unfair

A Hero walked-some foreign street

The people turned and stared

Some would run to hide-retreat

                  While others simply glared

Did others know the choice they’d

To Protect, to serve, to save

Whate’er the cost, their post they stayed

For love, their all they gave

A Hero walked into the room

The doctor standing there

The saddened face, the sense of gloom

An illness, very rare

A Hero stood with stoic grace

Though sadness filled his eyes

The gentle smile upon his face

His broken heart’s disguise

These veteran Heroes stood the test

With all that they did do

We must now give to them our best

Our service, our “Thank you”

We cannot see the battle scars

The evil they did face

The pain within their own memoirs

We cannot ere erase

They chose to go for you and me

Because of love you see

They paid the price that we might be

A land when men are free

So, let us sing our anthems loud

Salute the flag with pride

Their sacrifice made us endowed

With hope we’re unified

These veteran Heroes stood the test

With all that they did do

We must now give to them our best

Our service, our “Thank you”



Take a moment today to thank a veteran.

©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned except for my own books.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


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