Valiant Courage to Obey

Victory’s Battle Cry—A Study in Joshua Part 22—Valiant Courage to Obey

As we are drawing near to the end of the book of Joshua and nearing the end of Joshua’s life on earth, we read in chapter 23 that Joshua had grown very old. The children of Israel had possessed the land and had enjoyed a “long season” of peace, prosperity and rest. Joshua reminds the people of all that God had done for them. Then he admonished them to “6 Be ye therefore of a valiant courage to observe and do all that is written in the book of the Law of Moses, that ye turn not there from to the right hand nor to the left” (Joshua 23-GNV) and “cleave unto the Lord your God.” (Joshua 23:8-KJV)

Ron being sworn in

I remember the day my son pledged to uphold the law with honor, truth and integrity. He very solemnly takes that oath seriously as he daily puts his own life in peril to carry out that pledge. Shouldn’t we as Christians be willing to pledge our allegiance to the truth of the Gospel in Christ at whatever cost?  As Joshua, we might say, “Be of valiant courage to obey and follow after all that God has commanded.”

Yet, some might want to say; God does all the work of salvation, all I do is accept His gift, and then go on about my life. So, why would it take valiant courage to do God’s will and to obey Him? Why do we need to cling to the Lord with all our might? He is our portion and our great tower. He is our victory. So why do we need valiant courage to follow Him?

Since He has promised to hold me fast by His love, then why should I need to cling to Him? Look around and then look deep within. Valiant Courage is what we need to stand for Christ in a world so filled with compromise and in a world that hated Christ first. In many countries to follow Christ is a death sentence as we have so recently heard of with the beheadings in Iraq and Syria. Yet, that is not something new; but, rather has been the case since the time of Cain and Abel. Does it also require courage to be a Christian at work and school when all are calling you intolerant? Does it require courage to speak up for Christ when you know that then your every action will be judged by the watching world? What about the courage needed to speak for Christ when you are painfully aware of your own failures? You are afraid that your own voice may cause more harm than good to the cause of Christ. After all, how can God use you? If you fail to continue to seek Him with all your heart, you know how quickly your own self exalting human heart will fall so short. Oh, yes, we need valiant courage to obey Him. The amazing thing is that He is that for us. In Christ, I am made whole and I can have the courage to do all that he asks. So, how do we find that kind of courage? I daresay the courage to stand for Christ comes each moment that I need it as I remember these 6 things.

1. Remember all that Christ did for you on the Cross. Not with a casual nonchalant manner; but, rather I must remember the true horror of the cross, the agony that He endured because He loved me. He chose to bear the penalty for my sin. When I remember the price for my rebellion; how, could I ever long to sin or desire the pleasures of this world more than my Savior?

2. Remember that this life is but a blink of the eye in comparison to eternity. My journey on this earth may be filled with pain and sorrow; yet, I have hope and joy because it is just a pilgrimage on the way to my eternal home.

3. Remember that despite my human frailties and failures, in Christ I am redeemed. I am bestowed with a wisdom and righteousness that is not my own; rather, it is His.

4. Remember that God is able to take the smallest acts of my obedience from a heart of love and turn them into magnificent displays of His Glory.

5. Remember that it is all about Him and not about me.

6. Remember that in His Sovereign, Omniscient wisdom He knows how best to prepare my heart to receive the magnitude of His love, glory and joy one day when I stand before Him.

It does take valiant courage to follow Him and to obey Him. So, will you also with me sing, “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb”.

1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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