Transforming Love

Ephesians 5: even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

In truth the gospel of Jesus Christ is a story of love beyond any love you have ever known. One that would fill you completely and fully, allowing you to become the best you can be. A King separated from his beloved. His beloved was rightfully condemned and sentenced to death in a far away land; because she was guilty.   The King left His Glorious Throne in search of his love. He left the comforts of his palace behind in order to walk in a land without even a place to lay his head.  He suffered rejection, hunger, and physical pain so as to pay the price so that his love could be freed from the chains of bondage that held her.  He, though completely innocent, gave His life to pay her penalty so that she could be set free.  He gave everything. He rose again and returned to the throne where He can make intercession for her until the day she joins Him. He has sent her love letters that she may remember Him and know Him, more intimately.  He also sent her a counselor to teach her, guide her, and protect her. He did all this despite the fact that she had no beauty or goodness of her own; yet, He knew that she could be beautiful once joined with Him.  The amazing thing is, I am that love.  He loves me so much that He will not leave me in the state in which He found me—though He loves me unconditionally, He desires that I become as beautiful as He knows I can be (He can see the finished product).  He wants me to be able to realize that beauty and wants me to be able to love myself as well.  He knows perfectly what is needed to transform me into that blemish free bride.   That is love—that He would choose me and love me while patiently, gently transforming me into His beautiful princess.  He would then present me to His Father, clean and pure without any blemish.  His Father would love me then with the same love that He has for His Son and I would be clothed with His Glory as though I had that Glory within myself.  Is that not the kind of love your heart has been searching for?  One that loves you unconditionally and that loves you so much that they (seeing you as you will become)  will set about the task of gently transforming you into the best you that you can be. 

            When you are able to realize the profound depth of love that God has for you and accept this gift of love you will find a power, a joy, a peace that you suddenly realize nothing is impossible for you. I John 4: 8 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” This is a love that sets you completely free of fear. No fear as to your future, no fear as to whether you can lose this love, no fear of rejection, no fear of failure, and no fear of any loss. If you have ever loved someone profoundly, I am sure you are wondering how I can say love has no torment. But you see the torment comes from loving someone who places conditions on their returning our love and because we have set ideas as to what we want to receive in return for our love. This is imperfect love, because it thinks of self first; but that is not the perfect love that I am referring to here. I am talking about someone who loves you more than you could ever imagine being loved, someone who wants to lavish you with the greatest gift of all- God’s companionship. Someone who accepts you when you are right and when you are wrong, who continues to love you when you ignore him, are angry with him, and even when you are truly ugly both inside and out. Yet, because of the depth of that love, He will not allow you to remain there in your unlovable state of disarray; but will set about the work of transforming you into the beautiful beloved by removing all counterfeit desires so that you might truly see and understand His love for you. This kind of love will so encompass you that one day you will realize that He is perfect beauty, peace and joy.  You will then understand that you desire Him above everything else.


Oh, Love Divine, what greater thought

That you should suffer, bleed and die

To pay my sin, my freedom bought

Though I screamed Crucify

With every action of my life

I cast aside your pleading cries

I caused you pain, I gave you strife

And chose to follow after lies

I could not see your beauty then

As now I see your face

Your light shone forth, e’er so dim

That I might see Your Grace

You drew me out, you pulled me in

That I might then seek you

You covered then my ugly sin

Your righteousness to view

Such love Divine, pursuing me

Your Joy and Hope to share

How could I run, How could I flee

Naught else could e’er compare

Unto the hope I find in You

As now I turn to seek your Face

Your Glory shines and lights my view

You guide me on at gentle pace

Transforming thus my wretched heart

Unto the one You knew I’d be

Your joyous love ne’er to depart

For all eternity.