How to Transform Victims to Warriors by Reason of Truth

Warrior by Reason

Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done, created or exists. Therefore, understanding primarily the reason for my creation, (why I exist); defines the purpose which drives my actions.  Therefore, it is essential to understand the purpose for which I was created.  Inside that knowledge, lies the power that transforms me from Victim to Warrior in every situation of life. Knowing that God’s plan for my life is showering upon me His Joy, His love and His Glory, I begin to see life through His eyes.  My view changes from victim to warrior by reason of His Will, just by knowing this truth.

If (as some wrongly believe) I exist to perform acts for God which are impossible to do on my own; then, I will be always in a rollercoaster state of striving and giving up.  On the other hand, if my purpose is to be a receptacle of God’s love, joy and Glory; then, my task becomes emptying myself of pride, arrogance, and selfish desire, so, that He becomes the goal. Then, above all else; my desire becomes knowing Him fuller, spending time in His presence, and embracing His Will for my life–no matter what!  Furthermore, when I recognize His Being; the more evident becomes my nothingness.  Recognizing He has the best plan for me, I surrender to His Will Joyfully.

From Victim to Warrior

There was an aboding sense of fear deep within my heart until that moment I knew, this was God’s plan.  My father’s eyes filled with tears; yet, he helped me to pack my car and load the children into their car seats.  Six months earlier, I had arrived home; planning to start over.  Defeated, tired, I bore the scars and bruises of domestic abuse.  Accomplished as a nurse; able to make my own living–certainly, I was not your usual victim of abuse.  I had options.  So, why did I return?  Before you think I am telling women to remain in abuse; let me say, that I would tell anyone to run as fast as they can; unless, as was my case, God clearly says, Go back.

The first 5 or 6 years of our marriage, I was a victim; because, of why I remained.  Believing that perhaps everything was my fault, I tried harder each day to be a better wife, better mother, better housekeeper, and just better.  That was exhausting.  I struggled with all my might to be better and could not get it right, or so I thought.  My entire goal was to gain the love of this man; whom I felt unworthy of.  He was smart, handsome, and cultured.  I was a country girl, plain and simple.  A part of me believed everything was my fault.  That was when I truly was a victim. However, when I returned I was God’s Warrior.  A gentle, kind loving warrior; but, a strong and mighty warrior all the same.


During the time away, I had grown to realize two things:  I was God’s beloved child and, as such perfected by the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Because of being God’s Beloved, Blessed and redeemed Child, I recognized and heard that still small voice bidding me to return.  Part of me did not want to go, at first.  I argued with God for months; then, I realized that God had a bigger plan and that ultimately that plan would be for my good.  God filled my heart with an unconditional love, as I began to see the truth of Pete’s heart through God’s eyes.  Beyond that, I saw in Pete, an injured child; desperately in need of healing. The nurturing nature God placed in the heart of this mother and nurse, could not walk away.

Once more, let me be clear!  In most cases of domestic abuse, that is not the case!  Evil exists in this world; therefore, sometimes it is just plain evil.

Returning with purpose to do God’s will and knowing that God loved me perfectly; I was no longer a victim.  I was on a mission.  That changed everything.  My purpose had changed, when I let go of my will and followed God’s Will.


The next 9 years cannot be called easy.  There were many times that I cried out to God, pleading for a different plan.  Yet, God was there.  Never again, was I afraid; because, I knew God was my protector, provider, and my guide.  Ultimately, Pete found Christ as His Savior; then, God took Him home.  Ah, but you see!  God’s plan was the salvation of one soul for an eternity with Him.  What did that have to do with God’s plan for my life?  Everything!


During those years, I learned of God’s absolute complete unconditional love toward me.  Because if God could transform my human heart to love unconditionally another human being; then, how much greater was God’s unconditional love for me.  I learned more of faith, hope, love and joy in Christ; during and through those years.  Despite my having many more lessons to and fearlessness.

Ultimately, I learned

  1. There is no sacrifice too great for the salvation of one soul
  2. My strength, my hope and my joy rest within God’s abiding presence in my life
  3. God’s love for me is unconditional; stronger than any forces of evil in this world.
  4. God holds me firm in the palm of His Righteous right hand; therefore, I have nothing to fear.


Ephesians 1:9-14 (TLB)

God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ, a plan he decided on in mercy long ago; and this was his purpose: that when the time is ripe he will gather us all together from wherever we are—in heaven or on earth—to be with him in Christ forever. Moreover, because of what Christ has done, we have become gifts to God that he delights in, for as part of God’s sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his, and all things happen just as he decided long ago. God’s purpose in this was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these mighty things for us, who were the first to trust in Christ.

 And because of what Christ did, all you others too, who heard the Good News about how to be saved, and trusted Christ, were marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit, who long ago had been promised to all of us Christians.  His presence within us is God’s guarantee that he really will give us all that he promised; and the Spirit’s seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that he guarantees to bring us to himself. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.


[tweetthis]When TRUTH Defines your Purpose; Reason changes EVERYTHING[/tweetthis]

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[tweetthis]There is no sacrifice too great for the salvation of one soul[/tweetthis]

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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