Tools for Effective Witnessing

Fountains of Wisdom—A Study in Proverbs part 42—Tools for Effective Witnessing.

We as Christians are called to be evangelists by the life we live and the testimony we give to those whom we meet. The truth is that we are a testimony either for Christ or against Him. We are surrounded by people wherever we go who are watching (even when we do not know that they are.)



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Proverbs 25: 15-28 gives us some really good advice as we go out to be messengers of Christ’s love. Well, as for me I need the play by play handbook on how to be an effective witness.  In studying these verses in Proverbs, I gleaned theses tools toward effective witnessing. 

1. Patience. Gently wait for the right moment. As you focus your own mind on Christ and pray for the opportunities, they will arise. Maybe your only word today is a word of kindness or empathy which opens the door. Sometimes it is being willing to be open, emotionally vulnerable while honestly speaking about a time when all seemed loss and God’s Grace came at the exact moment. So learn to be patiently watching for opportunities to witness, gently with a soft voice. Angrily arguing over doctrine will drive a wedge. Don’t compromise on doctrine. Study the word, be ready to defend with a soft voice. (15)

2. Moderation. Don’t indulge and seek after worldly pleasures and treasures to the point that you have no time or room left for God. As a witness for Christ, self-indulgence tends to drive others farther from you than toward you. (16, 28)

3. Sensitivity. Be ever sensitive to social etiquettes. Know when to walk in, when to leave, when to speak, and when to be silent. Frequently that is a skill you can learn by simply being quiet and paying close attention to the body language around you—additionally, God can help to guide you in this. (17)

4. Beware. Don’t get entrapped by Gossip or Slander. Gossip and slander act as a sword which makes everything else you say meaningless and untrustworthy. When someone comes to you with their sorrow filled heart to pour out their grief, you mustn’t be unfaithful with their confession by telling someone else. (18-19)

5. Empathetic. When someone is heavy burdened with grave sorrow, don’t be frivolously joyously singing. Sometimes, we need to cry with them. Sometimes we need to just sit and listen quietly as they weep. Genuine empathy is more reviving than sympathy. You cannot cheer a grievous heart to joy; but, you can gently, steadily support that heart as it mends. God can mend a broken heart and bring it back to joy. We as counselors need to draw from our Great Counselor-the Holy Spirit who can guide us. (20)

6. Gracious. Be forgiving and even generous towards those who have injured you in the past. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If Christ died for me while I was so undeserving, then, shouldn’t I do the same if I am to represent Him on earth? (21-22)

7. Temperate. Guard your anger. You never know who is watching your foolish outburst of anger and how devastating it might be to your testimony of Christ. (23-24)

8. Inspired. Remember the good news of the Gospel is like a refreshing, cool fountain of life giving water to the weary soul. When you truly recognize its beauty and its power to transform lives; your spirit becomes an overflowing fountain bubbling forth life to those you meet. (25)

9. Cautious. Caution as to whom you give honor and homage. Sometimes when we choose people as our hero, we tend to begin to muddy the waters of our own convictions. So, we must use caution as to who we place as heroes in our lives. (26)

10. Humble Servant. As a servant of Christ, we must always remember to whom we give Glory. It is never to be about me, or my glory. (27)

As witnesses for Christ these tools listed in this section of Proverbs can be very useful. Yet, as I am always amazed to find; God truly takes the responsibility of even my testimony. He saved me by Grace, He guides me by Grace, He leads me to grow ever more deeply in Love with Him by Grace, and He uses me as a testimony for Him by Grace. When I look back, I tend to see my stumbling and my failures ; but, God has taken it all—molded it together and painted a portrait that can give Him the Glory above it all. What an amazing Story of Grace.

I wrote this song several years ago and hope you enjoy it. 

Master Weaver

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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