Tidbits of Wisdom A Study in Proverbs Part 4- Let Mercy and Truth Lead Your Heart

As we inch forward in Proverbs I find that there is so much richness in each word—so much wisdom that it is hard to move very quickly.  Chapter 3 continues Solomon’s exhortations to his sons; but, so clearly it is the loving Heavenly Father’s gentle exhortation to each and every one of us.  Let us look upon the verses as we go.

Proverbs 3:1 “My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:” Obedience to God is a matter of the heart and He knows that.  Outwardly at times we stumble; but God knows our hearts.  He also knows that if we write the His words upon our hearts, we will be transformed from the inside out.  Our choices will change, our decisions will be guided by our hearts of love for Him.  No amount of outward attempts at obedience without it coming from the heart can last. The promise for obeying with our hearts is “2 For length of days, and long life, and peace will be added to thee.”  Ah, a life of peace; isn’t that what we long for in this chaotic world?  Peace that steadies the heart.  A heart that is bent upon keeping God’s commandments is a heart that is filled with peace; knowing and trusting in God’s perfect plan.

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Proverbs 3: 3 “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:”

Mercy and truth—written upon our hearts by the Spirit of the living God (2 Corinthians 3:3).  Wrap yourself in the truth of God’s mercy until you are bound tightly by it.  Here it says about your neck like a collar that leads you—guides you.  When you are so tightly bound by mercy and truth; your anger, self-centered, selfish behaviors are harnessed as well.  Thus, the promise that follows is 4: “So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man.”  When your pride-filled, self exalting heart is harnessed by the truth of your own unworthiness and God’s mercy toward you; a gentle, patient, loving spirit will emerge which will gain favor with God and with mankind.  Others will come to see Christ through you.

Well, for today I must keep it short….there is a big surprise I can disclose tomorrow.  Let these truths sink deep within your heart and savor the sweetness of them, while listening to Matt Redman singing “Mercy”


© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

Drawing used with written permission of Ronald Barba. © 2012

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