The Wonder of It All

Fountains of Wisdom—A Study in Proverbs—Part 52—The Wonder of it All

Proverbs 30: (EXP)  18 “There are three things that are too ·hard[wonderful]for me,
really four I don’t understand:
19 the way an eagle flies in the sky,
the way a snake slides over a rock,
the way a ship sails on the sea,
and the way a man and a woman ·fall in [or make] love.

Have you ever stopped to marvel at the beauty of a sunset, the splendor of a rainbow, the magic of a baby being formed from two tiny cells, or the wonder found in the array of emotions that we humans feel? In our studies and attempts to understand everything around us or to micromanage our lives, we need to be cautious to never lose the wonder, the beauty and the majesty of all that we have been given. 

M51, The Whirlpool Galaxy Captured with an amateur Telescope

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We have been so blessed with glimpses of glory that we might seek and desire God—the Creator of all that we are and all that surrounds us.  God has displayed echoes of Himself throughout the universe which are being newly discovered by mankind little by little such as the details of the galaxies we only now are discovering which exist beyond our farthest imaginations with beauty indescribable.

  We search and discover new frontiers in medicine; yet, we are merely discovering the principles which God had already known from before the creation.  I am amazed by computers and how they work; yet, every scientific principle was present at creation so that one day someone would be enlightened to discover how to put those principles to work in developing the computer.  Think about it.  So that is where we find ourselves in Proverbs 30: 18-19.

There are three things too wonderful for my imagination to understand and a fourth that is far too marvelous for me to explain.

1.  The way an eagle flies in the sky.  Eagles soar upon the wind currents.  How do they know how to read the wind currents just right and with such accuracy that they can leap from a very high cliff and land perfectly on a tiny running mouse below to secure their dinner?  They hardly flap their massive wings; yet, they are carried to their destination.  Such a symbol of how God desires to guide our lives.  He wants us to jump off that cliff at times in total trust that He will provide the wind currents we need to glide to the destination He has planned—the perfect destination.  (Exodus 19:4; Isaiah 40:31)

2. The way a snake slides over a rock.  A rock is smooth, slick and so is the snake; yet, without feet or suction tips, the snake is able to slide up and over a rock.  Ever so quietly they slither their way across the rock  unnoticed without fear of slipping.  Yet, we as Christians are told to go forth teaching the gospel like sheep in the midst of wolves, with the cunning of a snake and the gentleness of a dove.  Quietly, steadily proclaiming the gospel to the world.  (Matthew 10:16)

3. The way a ship sails on the sea.  God had given the instructions on how to build the first boat.  A massive boat—the Ark.  It was built to protect and house Noah and the creatures of the earth when the floods came to destroy all else for the evil around it.  Today, we can look out at the boats in the water and marvel at how such massive, heavy vessels can keep afloat upon the seas and oceans.  At least I find it marvelous to contemplate.  Yet, as we see in the days of Christ and as we see in the story of Noah; we are set adrift on this sea of life.  Our vessels are protected and saved only by the free gift of salvation handed us through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.  Our vessels are kept afloat through tremendous storms with billows tossing us here and fro only because of the Holy Spirit within us guiding us safely to the distant shore.  (Psalm 107: 24-31)

4. The mystery of love.  Love, such a marvelous mystery.  How one self-centered, self-exalting heart can suddenly fall so deeply in love with another being so as to lay aside all their selfish hopes and dreams to seek another’s fulfillment above their own is a mystery above all others.  That feeling of excitement, that increasing pulsation of the heart as one sees the object of that love.  The marvel of why that person changes ones heart when no one else has ever been able to.  Even at best, love has been so tainted by sin’s curse upon this world; yet, there is no other emotion that so echoes the heart of God than this.  There is no other emotion that man seeks after with the same urgency and passion than this either; whether it be the child seeking with all their heart to feel loved by their mother or a man or woman searching the world over just to find someone to love.  We were created to be filled with the love of God and to then pour forth that love as overflowing fountains; yet, sin broke that.  Still we are, sinner or redeemed saint shown glimpses of love’s splendor.  These glimpses cause us to long for love and desire to hold onto love with all our might.   What a wonderful Grace God has given us to show us the beauty of love where we are and by such to draw us to Himself—gently, lovingly calling us out to rest in Him.

As you gaze about you and within you stop to pause, considering the wonder of it all.  Never lose the wonder, nor let it slip from your hands.  God has so displayed glimpses of His Beauty and Glory that we might long to seek Him and He created us as creatures that desire beauty, majesty and love.  He is the fulfillment of our hearts.  Will you ask Him today to show you more of who He is and all He has done?

When was the last time you were swept away by the wonder of Jesus?  When was the last time you felt your heart beating faster as the name of Jesus and your love for Him so overwhelmed you that He took your breath away?

I hope you enjoy this video—Don’t LoseThe Wonder

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© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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