The Victorious Christian Life

Victory’s Battle Cry-A Study in Joshua part 24 (Conclusion)- The Victorious Christian Life

“This hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend.
For I perceive the way to life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart; let’s neither faint nor fear.
Better, though difficult, the right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.”
John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress

As we have come to the conclusion of our study in Joshua, it would be negligent to our study not to summate and “remember” all that we have learned along this journey. After all, Joshua commanded the people to build memorials and to always “remember all that God has done, lest we forget and turn away.

mountaintop-experiences-in-the-valley-ronald-barbaArtwork used by permission of Artist Ronald Barba who owns the copyright.  For information please click on photo.

Truly our Victory along this pilgrimage journey is found only in Christ. He is our victory over sin’s snares in this life. Since all we who know Christ as our Savior are in Him His beloved, redeemed, victorious saints; then, why do we ever wander around with these long, sore faces. How could we ever worry and fret about such trivialities and selfish desires when He has provided us with His Glorious Promises of an eternity in His loving, joyous presence?

So, again; knowing that He is the Victory; how do I live a life that reflects that?


1. Begin with having a heart of a servant. If I truly understand all of what God has provided for me on the cross, then how could my heart desire anything else than to fall before him with a desire to serve Him with all my being? How could love and gratitude desire any less? Even more so, when I truly recognize that all He has given me was given in spite of my guilt and that there is nothing I can do to deserve His magnificent grace toward me.

2. Be Strong and of Good Courage—because we trust in a Sovereign, Omnipotent, and Omniscient God who holds us in the palm of His hand.

3. God is our greatest treasure; therefore, if He chooses to remove all else that we cling to so that we might find Him, then rejoice in Him alone.

4. Faith is a matter of the heart—the central core that pumps life throughout the body. It is seeing God as so Glorious and worthy to be adored that even if He never gave me anything in return, even if heaven and hell were not on the line I would still fall before Him in worship because of who He is.

5. Wait patiently on God to work out His plans in your life in His timing. He has proven His Love for you at the cross, what good thing would He ever withhold from you? So, if He asks that you wait or He with holds something it is because He knows it is not what is His best for you.

6. Cut away all of the flesh with its desires, so that your first love is Christ. That love will not let you rest unless you seek and desire God above all else. That love will draw you to His word and to your knees in prayer.

7. Remember God’s Infallibility to keep His promises to you. He has never failed in keeping His promises throughout the ages. He will complete all that He has planned in your life and in the world.

8. Because of who He is—be courageous to obey and follow after Him with all your heart, your mind, and your strength.

As, I look back over my life; I see the threads of God’s Plan being worked out in my life in spite of me.  Listen closely to the words of this song by Moriah Peters, You Carry Me.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

Artwork is used with written permission of Ronald Barba who owns the copyright. His work can be found at:

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