The Name of Joy

The Name of Joy

By Effie Darlene Barba


With Glorious shout, I must proclaim

True Joy does have a name

A name so sweet so filled with love

Innate with power from above

That all before His name must bow

Yet, Majesty saw me somehow

Thus Jesus Christ, He died for me

That I this wretch might be set free

From quilt laid chains that bound despair

This heart so caught in sin’s dark lair

Set Free by Grace-now lifts in flight

My path illumined by His light

To rise above my shame to soar

Drawn by His Glory evermore

And cloaked with righteousness not mine

A Mystery of Grace, divine

That all my heart did once desire

I’d cast into the murky mire

That I might go where’er He lead

And to His will I long concede

My voice resounding joyous strains

Amidst these earthly trials, pains

My eyes are fixed upon my Lord

My heart in His with one accord

Held firmly by His Mighty Hand

That I, in victory may stand

And one day on that distant shore

I’ll be with Him for evermore


© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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