The Master Weaver

The Master Weaver

by Effie Darlene Barba

Broken threads my life you found

And with your love each piece you bound

A song of love your lips resound

With gentle hands, each thread you place

Oh could it be, amazing grace

A picture clear, my Savior’s face

What joy divine, could it be true

Each broken thread, you only knew

When woven tight would look like you

The Scarlet threads my broken heart

The deepest sorrows blue impart

Each silver thread of tears that fell

You guide my life with such detail

A brilliant gold, your love divine

My sins were washed, a white sublime

You gently weave with skillful hand

The portrait mine that you have planned

Oh, let me Lord remember this

That I might know with joy and bliss

You did ordain my every tear

That I might learn to never fear

That I might trust the weaver’s hand

And on this hope and promise stand

Your love will always know what’s best

Your cradling arms are where I rest

Broken threads my life you found

And with your love each piece you bound

A song of love your lips resound

With gentle hands, each thread you place

Oh could it be, amazing grace

A picture clear, my Savior’s face

What joy divine, could it be true

Each broken thread, you only knew

When woven tight would look like you


Though I wrote this poem/song many years ago—it remains so true for my life still today.  God in his Sovereign Grace has planned a portrait that will one day when finished look like Christ.  Imagine that—one day all the scars will fade away and I shall stand radiant, clothed in His Glorious Righteousness.  That hope and promise of grace today and future grace which will accomplish all that he has planned for me is what causes me to arise from whatever ashes I find myself in to sing a song of praise to my Lord and King. 

Listen to the song version of this   The Master Weaver

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to any brands, products or services that I have mentioned with the exception that I do own full copyrights to this song; however, I receive no money for you enjoying, watching or sharing it.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides regarding the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”