The King Above All Kings

Fountains of Wisdom—A Study in Proverbs Part 55—The King Above all Kings

As we began in Proverbs 30, so shall we end that chapter with the glance at the glory, majesty and beauty of Christ glorified even higher when contrasted against the foolishness of pride filled mankind. Once more, Agur uses the portraits of that which surrounds us to show forth the beauty of the Creator.

Proverbs 30:”29 There be three things which go well, yea, four are comely in going: 30 A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any; 31 A greyhound; a he goat also; and a king, against whom there is no rising up.” So, let us look at these 4 comparisons.


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1. So stately stands the lion with no fear as the enemy approaches. The lion so majestic in its walk steps slowly one foot before the other and never turns aside for fear of anything. Such is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

As He goes before His accusers, Christ never retreated in fear. He walked steadily forward into the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing the events that were to come. He stood before His accusers in the courtyard with calm, steady resolve to do the will of His Father and to take upon His shoulders the sin of the world. He did not flinch when the flesh was torn from His body, nor when He was nailed to the cross. He could have called a legend of angels to save Him and yet, He said nothing to save Himself. After all, if He had decided not to die for us and left us to die in sin, isn’t that what we would have deserved? Yet, with the steadiness of a lion; He marched on to finish the work He came to do. 

2. The word translated greyhound in Hebrew was “girted in the loins”. The

greyhound was known in ancient times as an animal swift and desired by the royalty. It was held in great esteem throughout Egypt, Rome and Greece. Dogs are known for their loyalty and their dedication; yet, perhaps we should look elsewhere in the Bible where these terms girded in the loins are used. In Ephesians 6 we are told to put on the whole armor of God. We are told in verse 14 to “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.” Christ has said that He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” Should we not run to Him with all our might?

3. The Ram goes before the flock, leading them, protecting them, and guiding them. He marches with dignity; yet, it was a ram that was stuck in the thicket which was provided as the substitutionary sacrifice when Abraham was to slay his son, Isaac. Christ was our substitutionary atonement for sin. How magnificent is His beauty and Glory!! Beyond that, imagine this—He ever goes steadily before the flock, leading and protecting them. 

4. The King against whom there is no rising up. Christ is the only King against whom none can rise up. They may try in their foolishness; but, none can overthrow Him. One day all will fall at the throne of Christ in humble adoration. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Having glimpsed upon the beauty, the majesty and the glory of Christ, Agur then ends this chapter with one final glimpse at himself and mankind with a plea. Proverbs 30: 32 If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth.33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.

So what about you and me? Have I ever been so concerned with my own little petty desires that I have failed to see the magnificent beauty of Christ as to be desired above all else? Have I ever desired self more than Christ? Do I get envious, desirous of greater things than He has given? Even in my desires to work for Him, do I at times lose sight and want to be the one lifted up or noticed? Is it not He whom I should lift high above all other Kings?

Listen closely to the words of this song I found: High Above All Things


© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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