“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”Romans 1:16 KJV
What is the Gospel (the Good News)? Some would say that it is the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Christ which is true; but is it more? Is it the hope of Salvation? Or would you believe it to be the hope of heaven? Or would you believe that the Good News is the promises of God for healing and provision? What is the greatest gift that God can give you? If you had a moment to sit and wonder about it, what is the most beautiful and precious thing that you most desire? Would your answer be money, prestige, a good job, security, a child, your family, love, beauty, freedom, or all of these? Do you seek after God to merely obtain these, to feel release from guilt, or to escape eternal damnation? I daresay that the promises of God are tremendously comforting; but are they not merely the byproduct of obtaining the greatest gift and not in themselves the gift at all? Certainly Christ’s death on the cross to pay the price for my sin (His baring the full wrath of a Just and Holy God) so as to provide for my Justification is what was needed to make a way that I might obtain the greatest gift; but, I daresay, though that in itself was a marvelous gift—the greatest gift is even more. The greatest gift that God desires to give us is God. The greatest gift of the Gospel is that God wants to give me His presence, His joy, His love, and His light to shine in the darkness of the world and my heart so that the darkness will be dispelled by the light. The same God who in Genesis spoke the light into being; wants to shine into the dark crevices of my heart to fill it with “THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST” (2 Corinthians 4:6)
And even more than that, go back to 3:18, Once that light shines into our hearts that we might see the Glory of the Lord (however dimly at first) we are changed step by step into his image (glory to glory) and all that by His own Hand. He wishes to share His full love (the same depth as He has for His Son who is worthy beyond measure) with me so unworthy. He desires to cover me with His righteousness and His Glory, though I so undeserving. That, my dear friend, is the Gospel.
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