Thanksgiving Song to God for my Children and Grandchildren

God’s Blessing to Me, My Children Three

I asked the Lord so long ago

To bless my soul, I didn’t know

He’d take me down to depths so low

Before I saw which way to go

His gift He gave in bundles three

That brought me tears and brought me glee

Each pain they felt tore deep in me

So oft I fell on bended knee

Nearer now to setting sun

I see the truth of what God has done

My daughter dear and my two sons

A gift of perfect love I’d won

melissa and natalie

Melissa, dear – a sweet sweet flower

Who serves with love – whatever hour

With grace and depth her love to shower

And to all near her strength empower

Beautiful smile

Alberto with bewitching smile

Bubbling joy he doth beguile

The world around to stay a while

To learn of Honor, Truth—his style

Ronaldin uniform

And Ron, my precious son doth stand

With justice, truth held in his hand

With mercy, love he doth command

A tower strong the winds withstand

So, as I looked upon these three

No greater gift could ever be

Such perfect love gave God to me

With thankful heart I shout with glee

He answered thus my soul’s plea

He blessed me with these wondrous three

His Glory to shine for me to see

Their lives reflecting Him to me.

Love Effie Darlene Barba

I had written and posted the above poem in 2010; but, this thanksgiving had to add the following verse. 

My name now changed, how could it be

For now I hear them shout Grammy

The count has grown from what was three

Cause  number four I soon shall see


So, now officially announced my fourth Grandchild will be another little girl

Psalm 103:

“16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;

18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.”

Thank you, my heavenly Father for your wondrous gift of mercy and grace upon me.  So undeserving as I have been; your mercy and grace has extended to me.  What a wondrous promise, dear Lord that you will pass on your righteousness to these my grandchildren.  Keep me forever with my eyes upon you as my greatest treasure.  Let me always follow your voice to do what you would have me do.  By grace, You have saved me.  By grace, You will keep me.  By grace, You have brought each of my children into a saving knowledge of You. By grace, You will bring my grandchildren into a saving knowledge of You.  Beyond these three, Lord you placed within my life two stepsons.  One stepson knows You, Lord and one does not.  My prayer is that you open the eyes of his heart that He might see You.  Within the depths of my heart Lord, he is also my son.  I stand firm upon Your promise that one day, he will know You.  Thank you, Lord for who you are, for all that you so graciously hath poured out upon me, and for all that  You have planned for me in Future Grace.  Protect Mom, without whom I would have never known of You.  In the precious name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen


Have a very blessed and thankful Thanksgiving day.  If you need a song for today, maybe try this one.

© 2013 Effie Darlene Barba

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