How to Stand Firm, Unmovable in An Angry World

Standing Firm, unmovable in Angry World

From the horrific scenes of bombings in the streets that take so many lives to the chaos, anger and hatred rioting in our streets; we weep over the sorrows of this angry world.  We wonder about the very idea of peace in a world where so many voices scream so loudly that no one hears truth. Yet, for those who know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; hope arises in our hearts; because, we know our being is found in Him, our hope is anchored in His Sovereign Purposed Will for us, and our position is secured by Him as the Blessed, Beloved, Redeemed Children of God Almighty.  The sorrows of this world rip at our hearts and souls; however, our hearts securely held in the palm of God’s loving hand, we stand firm, unmovable in Christ.

No matter what trials we face; we can stand firmly planted upon the truths of our position in Christ.  To do so, we must focus on His truth; not our temporary circumstances. Sometimes we cannot see our way.  Financially living from paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet, we allow doubts to possess our minds.  Fighting illness, death, pain and sorrows in an angry world obsessed with rage; we allow turmoil to enter our hearts.  However, the truth of Jesus Christ rings forth power, hope; declaring our destiny in Him.  When we really know our position in Christ Jesus; having already claimed our place and purpose; then, we stand strong, joyful, and hopeful in the face of every storm.  Knowing that I am the Blessed, Beloved, Redeemed Child of a Sovereign, Omnipotent God casts aside any fears, worries or doubts.


The world rages on, each mind holding onto their own self exalting ideologies; never taking a moment to realize the depravity of our own soul.  Seeking self-glory and aggrandizement; we cannot hear the truth of our own nothingness without the one true God. Anger and violence rises proclaiming our necessity to “be justified and right”.  However, the true gospel message of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son; remains a message of humility, love, and kindness.  Even within the ranks of the churches, too often; we fail to present His truth as we want to force our thoughts upon others.  Instead, our mission should remain one of presenting Christ to the world; allowing the transforming work of the Holy Spirit to then change the hearts of stone into hearts of truth and kindness.

Evil exists in the world and dominates at times.  Throughout history there remains the remnants of wars.  This truth remains a part of old testament history; when, yes God sends forth armies to battle against idolatry, hate, and evil.  So, please do not misunderstand me by thinking I oppose those whom God calls to protect us.  Laws remain necessary; for humanity cannot survive without laws to govern our depraved hearts and borders to protect us; because, yes, evil exists and runs rampant upon this earth for now, until God calls forth His Final Judgement.  What I am saying, those who trust in God can rise above the noise of an angry world, individually maintaining their hope, love and strength because they know their position in Christ Jesus.


Jesus told us:

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Our peace does not depend upon this world; because we find our peace with God.  Because of Jesus Christ having paid our penalty at Calvary, we through faith are redeemed when we accept the truth of the gospel.  At peace with God, our hearts can rest from the turmoil we faced.  With God on our side, we can trust Him with our life; no matter what trials come our way.  Furthermore,

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:1-6


When we begin to fully understand our position in Christ Jesus as God’s Beloved, Blessed, Redeemed Child; heir of the Kingdom; what is left to ever worry about.  In Christ Jesus, we possess every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.  What more could we ever want.  We must spend time alone with God, searching the scripture and preparing to face this world by prayer within our own private war room.  We do live in an angry world where evil runs rampant; however, our war room that prepares us to face the world must be one of personal devotion to God through prayer and Bible study.  There we discover our position in Christ as might warriors of truth, love, peace, and joy.  Then, we become victorious over life’s problems; which can never take us down.

Concluding Tweets

[bctt tweet=”In Christ Jesus, I am God’s Beloved Blessed Redeemed Child by Grace through faith” username=”effiedarlene”]

[tweetthis]Knowing who I am in Christ allows me to stand fearlessly against evil tides[/tweetthis]

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©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

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