Spiritual Gifts—Empowered by Love

Power-Filled Positive Thinking—Chapter 16C-

We have learned that God uniquely gave to us spiritual gifts of motivation that are to assist us as a body of believers and as a family to minister to those around us. Those gifts are divided in such a manner that we would need each other and not stand as an island. They very much are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Those named are: exhortation, giving, teaching, leading (organization), prophecy (justice), serving, and mercy. Depending upon the specific gifts which one has as primary and as secondary, one’s approach and vision in a situation may differ from another’s approach. If we understand this truth and have gained an understanding of the importance of each gift; then, instead of discord arising, we would be able to harmoniously work together to stand firm in the faith while ministering to those in need. We need to discover, cultivate, and use our own unique gift for the ministry of Christ. The greater our knowledge of our gifts, the less chance that we will fall into the fleshly pitfalls that are inherent to our own gifts. Also, the greater our understanding of the gifts, the more we can recognize the value of those with different gifts from our own being like a check and balance for our own emotional journey.

As these are spiritual gifts they might necessarily be those which must be tempered by the Holy Spirit. For that reason we must utilize these gifts along with the fruits that would be the Spirit. Note that in I Corinthians 13 as Paul has just referred to the gifts in chapter 12, he now begins chapter 13 with a warning that if we utilize these gifts without the outpouring of love as our central motive—we become noisy, clamoring, obnoxious sounds.

without love

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity (Agape like love), I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.” He goes on in Chapter 13 to explain what real agape love looks like. That kind of love is a love empowered by the Holy Spirit, since our human hearts tend to be more selfish by nature and incapable of that depth of love. The common grace of God does allow us to at moments even in our human states to display that kind of love so that even the vilest of sinner might see the glimpses of God’s beauty and grace; however, for that to be steady and constant, we need the help of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, this as we go forth into ministry motivated by the gifts of the Spirit. “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance” (Galatians 5:22-23). If you find yourself not displaying these fruits while ministering; then, stop for a moment, get on your knees, and ask the Spirit to guide you. Indeed, there may be other chaff that needs to be sifted from your own life before you can proceed or there may be some unconfessed sin troubling your spirit. It may be that you need a time of rest alone with God. Remember that if you allow yourself to become too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely or too Tired-you need to HALT for a moment to allow the Spirit to minister to your own body.

So, in summary you need to:

1. Learn of your own spiritual motivational gift

2. Cultivate your own spiritual gift

3. Humbly embrace the gifts of others

4. Always remember that the Spiritual Gifts are to be tempered with LOVE—that kind of love that the Holy Spirit provides

5. Never forget—you are not meant to walk this journey alone.

Listen to this song as you step out upon the oceans of ministry that you are called to.  Oceans

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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