Spirit Soars Above

Spirit Soars Above

by Effie Darlene Barba


When this world would try

Cause my heart to cry

With the hurts that come

future looks so glum

I look to the skies

See your loving eyes

Glory lifts my heart with highs


My heart fills with love

Spirit soars above

As I’m lifted high

As with hope I fly

To your loving arms

Free from all the harms

Peace replaces all alarms


You are all I need

As my heart is freed

And with joyful song

I sing ‘midst the throng

Of your love so true

Broken hearts renew

As your love comes into view


You’re the love in me

That fills my heart with glee

Down uncertain roads

Your joy, love unfolds

My life song so sweet

For you guide my feet

In You my life is complete



I fly high above

On your wings of love

The rest of my life

I will know no strife

As you fill my heart

And your joy impart

From your love and hope, ne’er depart


© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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