Seeking After the Greatest Treasure with a Song of Joy

Psalm 9: 1 I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High…

10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

11 Sing praises to the Lord         rose-in-motion-sarah-barba

It was amazing yesterday when an old friend had called me. 

We spoke about

the amazing way that God shows us and guides us along this path. She told me of how God was leading her to a new adventure and all that He had done to move the mountains before her.   He displays His strength and His beauty as you seek Him.  There is no joy so great as the joy He provides. Sometimes that means that I come to the end of me, that I might truly see Him.  Let me share with you a poem/song I wrote a few years ago.  I hope you enjoy it. 


So many times I strayed so far from you

And wondered what was I there to do

I tried so hard, my might, to do your will

I could not see I should stand still

What could I do to bring you a gift

The harder I tried, the farther I’d drift

I reached that point, reality

I’d broke your heart, still you loved me

CHORUS:  When I didn’t have the strength

You were so strong

When my heart was filled with tears

You were my song

You are the love,

You are the peace,

You are the joy that flows in me

When I didn’t have a hope

At the end of my life’s rope

And I couldn’t find my way

You came to save this wandering stray

And now I know a different me

It is your love that set me free

That in this world I might now see

All that you are, your majesty

When I came to the end of me

My love for you, Your love for me

Question:  Do you seek Him as Your Greatest Treasure?


© 2013 Effie Darlene Barba

Photography by Sarah Barba (used by written permission) © 2013

Since you might guess I truly love music and songs; let me share another song I found on Youtube for you to enjoy.

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