Saying Yes to Love as God’s Beloved-What does that look like?

Power filled Positive Thinking-Chapter 5 B—Saying Yes to Love as God’s Beloved-What does that look like?

I began Monday by telling you that there was a moment in time when everything I thought about love changed. That was 9 years ago and has remained a transformation which now guides my life . Before I share with you the steps that can help you transform your heart from broken to loving; let me pause today and answer the three questions I promised you that I would, plus one.

1. IF IT IS TRUE THAT I AM GOD’S BELOVED, WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR ME TO REALIZE IT? Let me begin by pointing out that our finite human minds do not fully understand or grasp the truth.  God loves me is the truth I have come to understand and embrace. Unless we begin to own this truth as our own, we remain victims to our own fears. The real truth was that my transformation did not occur suddenly. I had been learning this truth my whole life. Every broken heart, every broken dream  I had experienced in my life’s journey led to my growing strong in God’s love.


Ever so patiently, gently and steadily; God had taught this heart of the depths, the heights, and the mighty power of His love for me. I had been created to be filled with His love and His joy. So, all along this journey from that little girl of 5 to the woman I now am; He has shone His light into my heart to guide it and to allow it to grow in that knowledge of Him. That journey may have lead through many heartbreaks and sorrows; but, each one lead me deeper into His heart of love.

2. How does having your heart filled with God’s love change how you love others? When human Love overflows with God’s love, it takes on characteristics of God’s love. So what does God’s love look like? To better understand, let’s turn to

I Corinthians 13: 4-7 which I will paraphrase for you. “Pure, unadulterated love is patient, willing to suffer for the beloved, is always kind; never seeking, expecting or demanding anything in return for that kindness. True love is never arrogant or boastful; but rather is humble, gentle and sacrificial. To truly love means that I always want what is best for my beloved which means I truly desire their joy more than my own. If I truly love, jealousy or envy can never be a part of my love toward my beloved. For that reason, I am always willing to choose or favor the desires of my beloved over my own. Real, genuine self-less love never demands it be my way, it does not get angry at the beloved. In fact, when injured by the beloved; it goes beyond forgiveness to searching for a way to sooth and comfort the beloved; because I am willing to realize that they must be hurting. Real love sees beyond the superficial and sees the truth of the beloved while always cheering for their best, is willing to gently take their hand to help the beloved see their own beauty. Real love always believes in the beloved, sees the best qualities of the beloved, and always is willing to fight to defend the beloved.” Impossible for this human heart to love that way? At first glance, perhaps we would say I can’t do it; but, in Christ, all things are possible. In fact, when I look back at the actions of love that came out of me toward my husband, my children and my friends over the years I can now see how God’s love was there. The times when I forgave, the times when I sacrificed, the times when love believed despite great trial; all were God’s love in me being demonstrated. I am not saying I got it right every time; however, God’s Grace shone through and God’s love shone through despite my failures. That is truly Amazing Grace.

3. So does the freedom to love free me to be carefree? Absolutely not! Indeed to love in this manner means I must be ever more cautious to not injure those whom I love. “Letting my heart guide me” does not mean I let it travel down frivolous pathways—rather it binds me to a much stricter standard than ever before. I am bound to protect those whom I love at whatever cost to me.

4. Finally, does knowing that I am God’s Beloved protect me from having my heart broken? No. In truth, it lays my heart wide open and vulnerable to being hurt more deeply than ever before. It means I drop all defensive walls and am defenseless to love’s sharp knife cutting deep into my heart; yet, choosing to love anyway. I know the mighty Heart Surgeon who holds my heart in the palm of His Hand and I trust Him with my heart. For that reason, I lay my heart open and pray that God shine His love through me.

I certainly do not know where your heart is today. Is it broken and bleeding? Are you confused about love, wanting to chase selfish desires at all cost? Are you seeking to find someone to fill that gap, that hole in your own heart? Where ever you are, I pray that God wrap His arms of love around you and that He open the eyes of your heart to see Him, His beauty, His Joy and His Glory. Only He can fully satisfy that hunger within you.

Listen to I Am Loved by the Gaither Band

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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