Safe Throughout the Storm

I wrote this poem in 2009.  I remember well our storm cellar.  the door wasn’t too secure.  I remember my father lifting me gentle from my bed wrapped in a blanket as he carried me to the storm cellar and went back for my brother.  Mom would go into the cellar.  Then my father would sit down on the lower step and with all his massive strength he would hold tight the door of the cellar.  As the lightning would flash I would see the shadow of his body there.  I knew I was safe and I would doze back off to sleep.  My journey here on earth has brought many storms; yet, my heavenly Father carries me to safety and holds the door shut until the storm passes.   I have been so blessed, so protected and so loved.  My earthly Father went on ahead to be with my heavenly Father; yet, I will never forget all that he taught me.

Safe Throughout the Storm

By Effie Darlene Barba


The storm was raging in the night

Our house in certain peril

The lightening flash, the only light

To break the darkest hour


The thunder roar enlarged the fear

The pelting rain and hail

Twas certain now, tornado near

No where were we to run


I felt the arms that held me tight

They carried me to shelter

I felt the strength, the love, the might

My father’s arms could give me


His shadow there, the door secure

Though raging winds pulled hard

He did not budge, His mission pure

To keep his children safe


There is safety in his arms

Those arms that hold me tight

So filled with love, so free from harms

It is his love, his gracious love

That keeps me safe throughout the storm


The storm was raging in my life

And darkness filled my heart

My hope was gone, my world was strife

Nowhere to run, depart


I had no strength to stand against

This whirlwind spiraling down

This heart of mine ripped ‘way each fence

I knew I neared to drown


And then I felt the arms of love

En wrap me with His self

I could not feel the winds above

While sheltered in His arms


To think that God would love me so

To cry with me each tear

From there His throne to reach below

And hold me oh so dear


There is safety in His arms

Those arms that hold me tight

So filled with love, so free from harms

It is His love, his gracious love

That keeps me safe throughout the storm

© 2009 Effie Darlene Barba

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