Ruled by Love and Grace

Swept Away by Grace—A Study in I Peter (part 14) -  Ruled by Love and Grace

Peter has proclaimed the good news of the gospel—the truth that by Grace and Grace alone we have been chosen, redeemed and set apart because of and by the redemptive sacrificial work of Christ on the Cross. He has urged us to live a life that exemplifies what Christ has already done in us so that a broken world might find Christ. We have been given new life and a real joy that supersedes any counterfeit joy we have ever experienced—there within our relationship with Christ we have all that we could ever need or want. Yet, we have been left on this earth to live out this pilgrimage journey for two major reasons—1. That we might be transformed through sanctification into one who can fully enjoy the riches of eternity and 2. We are left here so that we might spread the gospel to all who will give ear. When we understand this truth, we are able to understand not only the obvious blessing; we become able to see the trials and tribulations as a means to this precious end. Hence we are able to rejoice even with trials. Once having given us this backdrop, Peter began to tell us what that should look like. He began with the family. He reviewed the picture of how a wife demonstrating a holy and virtuous life could be the key in winning her husband to Christ. He then told the husbands how being Christ filled would allow them to treat and protect their wives with kindness, tenderness, honor and love. Then Peter turned to address how the truth of the gospel should transform how we treat each other in the church and in the world. Peter urges us to live in harmony with those around us demonstrating sympathy, humility, understanding and love. 



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When I truly understand the gospel of Christ having given His life that I might be saved and understand that He loved me when I was most unlovable in my sin, then I must reach out my hand in humble kindness and gentleness to all of whom I meet. If I remember how many times Christ so patiently has pulled me out of the mire, then I cannot be judgmental to those still caught in the mire. I cannot present anyone Christ unless I, like Christ, am willing to love them right where they are.

So let us turn to I Peter 3 and continue to read.


I Peter 3: (EXB) “8 Finally, all of you should ·be in agreement [be like-minded; live in harmony], ·understanding each other [sympathetic], ·loving each other as family[L showing brotherly love], being ·kind[tender; compassionate]and humble. 9 Do not ·do wrong to repay a wrong, and do not insult to repay an insult[L repay evil for evil or insult for insult]. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called [C by God] to do this so that you might ·receive [L inherit] a blessing [Luke 6:27–28]. 10 ·The Scripture says [L For], “·A person must do these things [L The one who wants]
to ·enjoy [L love] life and have many happy days.
He must ·not say evil things [L keep his tongue from evil],
and he must ·not tell lies [L keep his lips from speaking lies].
11 He must ·stop doing [turn away from] evil and do good.
He must ·look for [seek] peace and ·work for [L pursue] it.”

Funny, if you note—there is a promise wrapped within this. Our own ability to enjoy life and to feel loved is centered in our ability to share love and kindness. The more love I can give, the more love Christ pours into my own heart to give. That is Grace expounded.

So, how do we do this?  We begin by understanding that “Nobody fills my Heart Like Jesus”  by Dennis Jernigan.  Jesus is that overflowing fountain of love and joy.  He is reaching out with open arms to fill your heart?  And dear Christian, if you find that you are in a barren moment in which your heart feels heavy, darkened and sad; call out to Jesus to restore you.  Peter, Paul and I can most certainly tell you, that there is nothing which can separate you from the love of Christ—not even you, yourself.  Lay all your sin, your doubt and your worries at His feet.  He will restore you to Joy and Love.  

Expanded Bible (EXB)

The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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