Power Filled Positive Thinking—Chapter 1C- Beyond Mediocrity


Learning to live "In Christ”-“Abiding in Christ" is of the utmost importance to each and every one of us as we walk through this pilgrimage journey. Through an understanding of all that is ours as a result of God’s gift of salvation through faith because of Christ’s atonement for our sin, we become empowered to allow the Holy Spirit to utilize these gifts. Our position is held secure because of Christ and God’s covenant plan of redemption. Our position is not held by our own power; but, rather held firmly by His Faithfulness to complete all that He began in us. The more I am able to grasp the truth of “who I am in Christ” the more His beauty becomes magnified in my heart and the more I am able to see His Glory. The more I see His glory the more I become transformed into His image. The more I become transformed into His image, the more I am able to feel, understand and comprehend His love toward me. This is all a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in me and is because of God’s transforming work in me. There is nothing innately in me that performs this. Yet, as I begin to learn about who I am in Christ—I am able to rise far above what this human heart would be capable of and therein to serve humbly, joyfully, faithfully, boldly facing whatever trials confront me. Whatever formerly seemed impossible, becomes possible in Christ as I focus upon these truths. God did not leave me powerless; instead, he gave me all I could ever need  from His own overflowing power and might.

Pathwayto glory

Original picture courtesy of Jamie Easley

All too often, we as Christians don’t comprehend the great and mighty treasure of what we have been given in Christ. Our ignorance of this leads to our living out lives of mediocrity. When we feast upon the truth of our positions in Christ, our sorrows are transformed into joy because we see them through the eyes of God; recognizing, His plan of love for each one of us. (Jeremiah 31: 13) When I know what Christ bought on the cross for me, despair is replaced with Hope, (Psalm 146:5-6) trials are changed into opportunities, (Romans 5:3-4) and desperate loneliness is overcome by perfect, unconditional love.

This is such a miraculous mystery that in Christ, the weak become strong, the ugly becomes beautiful, the unlovely transform to beloved, sinners become righteous, and broken hearted sorrow filled people become joyous.


It is of no wonder why Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians and for us was Ephesians 1: “17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,”

Paul was also aware that knowledge transforms how we think, that how we think transforms how we see ourselves, and that how we see ourselves transforms how we respond to all the circumstances that we may encounter on this journey. He knows that if we were to understand the hope of our calling, the great and might riches of our inheritance in Christ, and the exceeding greatness of God’s power toward us is; we would be invincible filled with joy, love, hope, and strength. Learning who we are in Christ is truly the most power filled positive thinking we could ever find; because the power is from God the creator of the entire Universe who loved me, this tiny fleck of dust on this tiny planet that is present in this remote galaxy.

Learning who I am in Christ gives me the means to be a Power-filled Positive Thinker. As such, I can expect to display the fruits that we saw in Paul’s life which are:

1. Love

2. Joy

3. Peace

4. Patience

5. Gentleness

6. Faith

7. Hope

8. Humility

9. Wisdom

10. Strength

Now do you begin to understand the importance of power-filled positive thinking which can be found by learning about the riches of your inheritance in Christ?

Listen to the words of this song, Glorious Unfolding and recognize your life is much more than you ever hoped or dreamed of.

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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