Out of the Darkness

By Effie Darlene Barba

Out of the darkness, Light shone within

Bringing His Glory, covering my sin

Along with His Glory, gifts did out pour

Bringing new hope and joy evermore


He breathed forth His love, the Spirit descend

Into my heart to heal and to mend

All of the brokenness-the dark crimson stain

All of the tears and all of the pain


This pathway to truth, so laden with stone

He knew there’d be times I’d stumble and moan

Because He did know my heart was so prone

To try to stand tall and to walk it alone


Then what He did at first seemed so strange

A group of great gifts he has so arranged

That I must family and friends truly need

In order to stand and then to succeed


So Sovereign and Wise is God’s perfect plan

That guides me along this pilgrimage land

Teaching to love and be more like His Son

Showing me that my victory’s been won


One day, I’ll come to understand all

As before His throne, prostrate I fall

Filled with His Glory, His Joy I will see

Because He, true light had come to save me


So, come now dear friend, and take now my hand

Together we’ll walk through this pilgrimage land

We’ll laugh and rejoice though trials present

Sharing God’s love is our spirits ascent

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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