Not Tonight-A Tribute to All Those Who Risk Their Lives to Keep Us Safe

Not Tonight

By Effie Darlene Barba


Into the deepest darkest night

Where evil lurks-hid from his sight

An Officer goes-prepared to fight

With all His strength and all His might

Praying to God, not tonight


He gently pulls His children near

Their smiles can lift his heart with cheer

He kisses boo-boos wipes their tears

And as He leaves for work He hears

Daddy, don’t go, not tonight


She kisses him, to work he goes

And all the time, too well she knows

That he must face such evil foes

Phone clutched tight, her eyes then close

Lord, don’t let it ring, not tonight


A mother awakens to whisper a prayer

Protect my son from sin’s dark lair

Your warrior of truth-just and fair

Endowed by you with virtues rare

He’s yours to call, please not tonight


Forgotten and paid a pauper’s wage

Media and public he must assuage

While calmly holding back the rage

When violent criminals do engage

Pleading to God, not tonight


These officers protecting you

They sacrifice more than you knew.

When will you value what they do

Or even stop to say, “Thank You”?

Shame on you, if not tonight

Officers often have less than a split second to make a decision.  When they hesitate for even a split second it is their life they may be sacrificing as has been the case all too often.  Maybe we need to walk in their shoes just for a moment to realize that too often they don’t have time to think.  As Christians and as citizens, we are commanded to be subject to the rulers and authorities placed over us.  The only exception would be when they tell us that we cannot pray or worship–even then, we are to continue with humility to pray and worship.  If we are arrested and jailed for praying, we go peacefully.  If we are killed for bowing before Christ; like Stephen, we die without violence.  Short of that we are to obey the authorities. 

Titus 3:1 (NIV)“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient”.

With so much pain, sorrow and struggles we need to take a moment to sing this song along with Aaron Keyes–Sovereign Over Us.  Let the words of this song whisper to your heart and let it be filled with God’s Love, Joy, and Peace sustaining us  in the midst of tears, chaos and pain.  No, I don’t mean a phony smile and giddiness. I mean that steady deep abiding strength and peace that flows forth with the rivers of our tears.

New International Version(NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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