My One Desire

There are seasons of time when poems form in my mind and then there are seasons when poetry seems to remain silent.  Last week’s and this week’s poems I have pulled from my archive of poems.  As I read this one, I remembered that our life’s journey as Christians has it’s seasons as well.  We have moments in which we are truly on the mountaintop of joy and we have moments when the struggles of life are lashing at our minds and bodies so as to try to steal our joy.  Those seasons of struggle are also part of God’s Sovereign Plan of love.  They are the times when we are drawn back in to focus on God—who He is and all of His promises to us.  Those are the times we fall down before Him, wounded and weary—He restores us, wraps His arms around us and reminds us that we are His beloved, blessed and redeemed Child.  The counterfeit joys we so often cling to may go up in flames before us.  Hope, Joy, Love and Peace arises from their ashes as once more we realize—God is my Love, God is my Joy, and God is my hope.  Always and Forever, I need to remember: God is My One Desire.  I do not know where you, my friends are in this journey; but, I share this with each of you and hope it reminds you—that in Christ, you have all that you need to live a life of fearless faith and awestruck joy.  He is all you really need. 

My One Desire

By Effie Darlene Barba


In the midst of the darkest, lonely night

When all my world came tumbling down

Your ray of hope a glimmering light

Reached deep within my soul


To draw me nearer to thy cross

To gaze upon thy face of love

All else, this world I count as loss

Besides thee Lord, my one desire


Body worn from all the years

Of battles fought and battles lost

Despite the life so filled with tears

I find in you my peace, my joy


In Moments filled with guilt and shame

Your Love has held me tight

Never once to point in blame

You gave for me Your life


This world so filled with pain and fear

You are my only hope

I feel your heartbeat drawing near

Held tight within your arms


Your arms provide me strength and might

To face a brand new day

And cradle me through each dark night

With hymns of wondrous praise


As I gaze back o’er the years

With all their ups and downs

I see the laughter and the tears

That pointed me to You


I thank you Lord, Your guiding hand

Has lead me all the way

This life of mine as you had planned

On mountaintops and valleys deep


To draw me nearer to thy cross

To gaze upon thy face of love

All else, this world I count as loss

Besides thee Lord, my one desire


The artist that drew the picture “A Broken and Contrite Heart” featured on my header  is Ronald Barba.  Please go to his website ( for information regarding obtaining copies or to commission him to create a masterpiece for you.  Feel free to email him at to discuss any art projects.

©2015 Effie Darlene Barba

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