Love’s Life Song

Love’s Life Song

By Effie Darlene Barba


In all I do and all I say

I pray dear Lord that I display

Echoes of You from Heaven above

As flowing fountains of Your love


And when this flesh would dare say yes

And mind resounding no, unless

The final choice my heart does make

Lord, guide my heart for Your dear sake


At times this heart desires too much

When all I need is Glory’s touch

Your Grace can lift me high above

To soar upon Your wings of love


So, let me gaze upon Your face

To see Your loving eyes of grace

While feasting on Your words of life

Your peace removes all inner strife


That I might know the answer clear

Your honor, truth be all I hear

Amidst the clamoring thoughts within

Protect me Lord, to dare not sin


You know my heart and know it well

The secrets deep I dare not tell

And yet Your love has bid me come

Beloved, Redeemed Your child become


Teach me to love my family, friends

Greater love-honor, truth ascends

To reach beyond this human heart

Your Joy and hope I might impart


So, let my life-song sing Your praise

Throughout the surplus of my days

And let my love flow forth Your Grace

To guide the lost to seek your face


And when my final word is said

With epitaph above my head

Let all who came to know my name

Your Glory find—Your love proclaim

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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