Love’s Joyous Song

Love’s Joyous Song

By Effie Darlene Barba


Before the earth you e’er did form

You sang Your song of Love for me

How can I not in calm and Storm

Sing forth Your Joy with Jubilee



Your Joy sings forth in the morning light

Your Joy sings forth in the darkest night

Your Joy is my strength, my hope, my might

Your Joy gave my blinded eyes their sight


The fears and doubts that come and go

Can never chain my mind for long

I gaze upon thy cross aglow

The Symbol of love’s greatest song


I hear Your gentle voice that bid

My heart to follow after you

Such wondrous love and Grace Amid

What e’er surround, Your face I view



Your Joy sings forth in the morning light

Your Joy sings forth in the darkest night

Your Joy is my strength, my hope, my might

Your Joy gave my blinded eyes their sight

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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