Love Has Won the Victory: An Easter Day Poem

It was Easter Morning; and I had agreed to help Dr. Scala with hospital rounds.  Casually, I mentioned that I really would like to go to church; because it was Easter.  Certainly, I was surprised when Dr. Scala, said, ” OK, we will go!”  Between hospitals, we stopped at the First Baptist Church of Orlando, FL.  Pastor Uht gave a beautiful message, which explained the difference between just believing Christ lived and receiving Him as Your Savior and King.  After the service, we got into Dr. Scala’s car to head toward another hospital to continue rounding on our patients.  Then, Dr. Scala proclaimed: “I did it.  Today, I accepted Christ as my Savior.  Always before, I was that man who believed in Jesus Christ; but, I had not received Him as my Savior.” That day, in Dr. Scala’s life; the truth of “love has won the victory” became a reality.

John 1:12

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

A few years later, Dr. Scala left central Florida to set up a practice in Cape Coral,  FL.  I had lost touch with him.  Then August 1, 2016 he passed away, following a battle with cancer.  When I heard this, I remembered that Easter many years before.  That is when I knew I could proclaim “Love has won the victory”; because, I knew that Louis Scala, MD stood before Jesus and would spend an eternity in His presence.  Although I wasn’t scheduled to work that weekend, I went in when Dr. Scala asked me to; because, I listened to a small voice inside my heart urging me to go.  Rest in peace, Dr. Scala.  One day I will see you again; because, love has won the victory for all of eternity.


by Effie Darlene  Barba


As darkness filled the noon day sky

The earth shuddered and did quake

A trembling as God’s heart did break?

While wrath and hate screamed crucify


Christ humbly left His throne above

Forgiveness for mankind to buy

He knew the tears His heart must cry

 And yet, He came because of love


It would appear that all was loss

Their pardon was His final plea

His Gift of Grace for all to see

He bowed and died upon that cross


The Father’s love, it was so great

Awake, my son, arise awake

He called Him forth a new dawn break

Pure Love had conquered death and hate


Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith for all with eyes to see


So Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory


My heart so filled with darkest fear

Shattered by evil, hate and pain

Falling torrential like the rain

Anguish filling every tear


Through broken cracks God’s love shone in

He wrapped me tightly in His arms

And there so free from all life’s harms

Forgiveness, joy, and love did win


Love had won the victory

Joy rang forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life that did surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see


So, Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory


Don’t fall into some dark abyss

With pain and guilt that pull you down

Until you feel that you may drown

Look up to God, In Him is bliss


Love has won the victory

Joy rings forth a wondrous sound

Hope and life they do surround

Giving faith to all with eyes to see


So, Open wide your eyes to see

That Love Has won the victory

It is finished


[tweetthis]When God swung open heaven’s gate Pure Love had conquered death and hate[/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]Christ rose again, that you might see That Love Has won the victory[/tweetthis]

This is an original Drawing by an amazing artist whom I love and admire. Please check out his work at  Because he did this drawing with a piece of paper and a pencil only, I am awed by the talent God has blessed him with.  Also, because it is protected under copyright, it cannot be copied or duplicated without permission.



©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Featured picture at top of post courtesy  I added the inscription.

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