Living Fearlessly, Singing Joyfully, and Loving Unconditionally

SWEPT AWAY BY GRACE—A STUDY IN I PETER (PART 20)-Living Fearlessly, Singing Joyfully, and Loving Unconditionally

On November 28, 2012 Habila Adamu, a business man in Nigeria, was shot in the face in front of his six year old daughter and his wife because he refused to denounce the name of Jesus Christ. Though he was left for dead, he did survive and after tedious surgeries lives as a testimony of forgiveness for those who shot him. In fact, Habila proclaims his love for those who shot him along with his desire that they find Christ as their Savior. In the early church, that would have been the norm. Think of this, Paul was beaten, imprisoned and beheaded. Peter was imprisoned, flogged on numerous occasions and hung upside down on a cross. Stephen was stoned to death. Such is the story of each of the early apostles and yet they continued to preach the Gospel of Christ to a world in need of salvation. It is in that world Peter wrote this letter to the early church. When Peter told them of Grace, it was a Grace he had experienced firsthand. When Peter told them that they would suffer for the name of Christ, it was from his personal experience of suffering. When he told them to remember Jesus and rejoice for the joy of that fellowship, it was because he lived that joy born out of the suffering and the sweetness of a personal relationship with the living God.

God's Verdict

Most of us are not asked to denounce Christ or die; yet, we live our lives afraid of what others might think of us. We choose comfort and counterfeit joys while seeking to fulfill our own selfish, self-exalting desires—seeking the comforts of faith without any of the sacrifices. We do not realize that the trials only make us stronger because they drive us into the bosom of Christ where we find freedom from fear, abounding joy, boundless hope, and unconditional love. All given us by Grace—not because we deserve it; but rather, poured out upon us as a result of God’s great love for us.

So, where are we to draw our strength for this journey and how are we to stand when we face trials, ridicule, rejection, and even suffering for Christ? Let us look at the next verses in I Peter for some guidance.

I Peter 4: (KJV) 16 Yet, if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

Oh, I know at first glance, you said and what comfort is there in his saying judgment is come to us first? Please, please, please do not get bogged down there. Look a little closer, Peter of all people knew how quickly we can get entrapped in our own selfish pride—he had denied Christ. Yet, he knew the keeping of his soul was only by the faithful Creator and the Holy Spirits work within his hearts to keep him faithful. It is the Holy Spirit who will guide our hearts as we commit our heart to his indwelling power within us. Justice would demand our punishment as well; but, because of Christ—we are His beloved, redeemed Saints. God’s verdict of me is not guilty—righteousness child of the Creator. Because of God’s verdict, I never have to be afraid of man’s verdict nor do I ever have to be afraid of my own failures. Because of that I can fully live life fearlessly, knowing He will hold my hand every step of this journey. I can sing joyfully every day of my life because of the abounding joy that I find in His presence; no matter what the circumstances are. Furthermore, I can love freely, fully and unconditionally those whom I meet along this journey; because God holds my heart in His hand. That is the amazing Grace which I have been swept away by. What about you, my friend? Do you know that joy, hope, love, and freedom that has been found in Christ? Can you boldly proclaim His name to a world that is so desperately in need of Him?

Are you ready to go forth and Light Your World?

©2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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