Light and Joy revealed in the Midst Of Darkness and Tragedy

you light up the sky “This morning as I am sitting at a red light I took a second to admire the beautiful sunrise and what song was on the radio? "Light Up the Sky" by the Afters… The lyrics say "You light up the sky to show me that you are with me"…. God is good… Happy Monday everyone!!” Lindsey Barba

Jesus had just gotten the word that Lazarus was ill and was about to return to Judea.  He had waited two days the Bible says because He loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  He was about to take them the greatest gift of all.  He knew that He was about to show them a glimpse of His Glory and in that their understanding, their faith, their hope and thus their joy would abound.   He waited

because He knew that the magnificence of His Glory could only be realized after Lazarus died and then was resurrected by Christ.  Did He want to bring them pain?  No, He wanted to bring them overflowing joy; but to do that He had to wait while they did endure the pain of Lazarus death, so that Lazarus might be resurrected by Christ.   Only then could they understand the gift that Christ was about to bring to the world.  So now it was time to go back to Judea, Christ knowing the sorrow He would find there, knowing the trembling faith that did not understand what gift He bore, and realizing that He was going to present them with great joy unspeakable when they could see a glimpse of His Glory.  Could they begin to see that He was truly their greatest treasure?  He knew that He carried with Him the perfect gift of joy.  As He turned His eyes toward Judea, He was faced with the opposition from His disciples.  They were filled with fear.  The last time they were in Judea, the crowd had tried to stone them.  So, let’s pick up with that conversation.  John 11: "7 Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.8 His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him."

I am certain that the disciples really understood at that point, right?  Probably not because they continued to be very reluctant to go.  If you are trembling and frightened about your future as often we are in this world, would the answer Christ gave make you feel any better?  Perhaps not at first; but look a little closer.  The hope, the security of not stumbling is walking with the "light" of Christ abiding in us.   During the daylight hours we see the lights of this world; but when darkness comes we stumble unless we have "the light of Christ" in us.  Did not Christ say, (John 12) 46 " I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness."

There were many times of great turmoil, sorrow, pain and fears as I look back over my life; yet, in those darkest valleys I can see the light of Christ that shone the way.  There in the midst of my greatest pain, I began to see the glimpses of His Glory which drew me ever closer to Him.  Now before me lays a path of uncertainty; yet, I stand with great hope and anticipation as I watch His light reveal each path.  Had I not gone through all the trials in the past, could I stand on faith alone, now?  Would I know the joy of watching Him perform the miracle of resurrecting hope in this heart of mine when the evil surrounding would have killed all hope? So, dear friend, know this that if you know Christ as Your Savior and His light indwells your heart, you have these truths to hold to when trials come your way.

1.  The Desire of Christ is to bring you Joy.

2.  Sometimes in Trials, He must wait so that His Glory might be displayed and your heart is ready to receive that Joy.  He knows that the only true joy that can satisfy your heart or mine is the joy known in a relationship with Him.

3.  Christ is the Light that shines through Darkness

4.  Christ loves you more than you will ever fully realize.

5.  Trials often help us to realize that we have been clinging to some counterfeit joy which can never satisfy.  So often I need Christ to rip from my hands those things which I am holding tightly to so He can fill my hands with His presence.

I would love to hear from you.  Is there some trial you are facing today and you need to see His light? Or was there a trial you have been through that now you see how Christ’s light guided you through to a higher place of Joy?

©2013 Effie Darlene Barba (Preview)

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