Let My Life Be a Love Song of Joy

So, today I am off to Missouri to attend my 40th class reunion, visit my son, and turn in the final documentation for my new job in Missouri.  Yes, at age 58 I am changing careers where I will move from being a cardiology nurse practitioner to being a Cardiology Nurse Practitioner specializing in Electrophysiology (guess I always like a challenge)  As I look back over my life, I have seen the wondrous hand of God directing and guiding my life.  There may have been a lot of trials.  Also, there may have been so many times I have failed God; yet, He has taken all the threads and woven a portrait of faith.  There are so many mountains looming before me; yet, I know who goes before me and I know that when God commands me to go–He will smooth the path ahead.  On September 10 when God said today you are to give your 90 day notice; I did just that.  The thing that I have learned from all these years I have walked with God and the journey through all the trials is that I can trust Him even if I do not have any clue as to the plan.  No matter the obstacles or boulders that would appear to block the path, I march forward with the knowledge that God will either clear the path or allow me the strength to leap over each one miraculously.   So let my life reflect the fact that He is all I need, He is my every song of joy, He is my greatest treasure, and I love my Heavenly Father with all my heart, spirit and soul. 

Psalm 62: "Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.

2 He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved."

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do;  I awoke this morning with this song playing in my head. 


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