Learning the Truth of Transcendent Love

Life is filled with so many mysteries.  Yet, none are more profound than the heart of our emotions; which is love.  Because we are born with the need to be loved; we find ourselves also easily entangled by many other emotions including despair, sorrow, jealousy, hope, fear, joy, delight and love.  Furthermore, mingled within this web of emotional ups and downs, lies the core motivations of the human race.  Have you not ever wondered about our dependence upon our emotions?  Could it be that is what points us even more toward there being a Creator!  Certainly, beyond the intricacy of the Universe itself; there is the intricacy of our emotions. Haven’t you ever wondered about our inner desire for Transcendent Love?


Yesterday, I went to see beauty and the beast.  Perhaps, this is my favorite of the Disney movies; because, I always imagined it as my life with Pete. Because Pete was tortured by his bipolar disease; I lived a life never knowing whether today would be violent rage or gentle kindness.  Despite this, I could see past the exterior and loved him for the beauty hidden deep aside.  Although, I believed God kept me there to ultimately lead Pete to Christ before his untimely death; (which He did) God also used Pete to teach me the truth about love.

You see, behind the mask; Pete truly loved me, even more than I did he.  I just didn’t realize it.  The day he chose to take his life; it was because he loved me and wanted to never hurt me again.  It wasn’t about himself anymore.  He took his own life, to give me back mine; after all that we had walked through together.  Not trusting his own ability to not injure me in a fit of rage, he chose to leave me instead; because he loved me.  That was something very hard to understand at first; yet, was in the center of my beginning to realize the power of unconditional, transcendent love.


Years after Pete’s death, I searched to find love again.  I need ask forgiveness to those I may have hurt along the way.  Deep within, I wanted to feel that bounce of joy at seeing the one I loved.  The renewed pounding in the chest just to see them walking toward me.  After all, that was how I always felt when Pete came near.  The exuberance of both joy and sorrow that proved that I was fully alive; because I loved and was loved.  Still, no one replaced Pete; throughout my search.  Why wouldn’t God grant that one desire?

God was the one waiting for me to realize that God was the transcendent love I longed for.  Furthermore, He had blessed me with lessons in love that transcend the normal realities.  It was God who had sent Pete into my life to teach me the truth of unconditional, transcendent love that would go far beyond time and space.  My earthly love had been only a glimpse of the greater love which is mine in Christ Jesus.  That is why I wrote this poem today.  I do hope that it warms your heart; particularly, if yours is broken today.

A Transcendent Love

By Effie Darlene Barba


I searched for love that would transcend

The spans of time, to never end

To find someone to call my own

And carry me to heights unknown

Of joyous hope, a dearest friend


Love’s mystery is so profound

The sea of tears for which I’ve drowned

To turn to search for love again

Believing that I could begin

From losing you, I could rebound


And as the years, the time went by

Sometimes, I still would start to cry

A song, a word that brought to mind

My love for you, my heart resigned

Your gentle kiss, your last goodbye


Love truly is a mystery

A part of you remains with me

Although you left me long ago

And left this journey here below

You live within my memory


And so, I found that deep within

A greater love was mine to win

It was God’s love there all along

That taught to me a true love song

A life of joy and hope begin


Oh, what a wondrous song of Grace

That love should be His Glorious face

That broken hearts should find Him there

With eyes of love so gentle, fair

His arms reach forth our hearts embrace


That through our pain, we come to view

The depth of love, when love is true

The patient, gentle voice of love

That bid Him from His throne above

To bear a cross for me and you


Although you left me long ago

And I still walk this earth below

I’ve found the love that I did seek

Though of His love you did not speak

You taught me the truth that I must know


You taught my blinded eyes to see

The depth of love God had for me

I’d thought that I was there for you

To teach God’s love for you to view

My sorrow brought humility


There in your broken world of fear

You reached in love to draw me near

I see it now, it was God’s Grace

That brought us both to seek His face

Through rivers built upon a tear


I found a love that would transcend

The spans of time, to never end

I found someone to call my own

And carry me to heights unknown

Of joyous hope, a dearest friend

Concluding tweets

[bctt tweet=”Because God created us out of His love, to shower us with love; we long for transcendent love” username=”effiedarlene”]

[bctt tweet=”When your heart is broken, did you ever think; how God must feel when we reject Him?” username=”effiedarlene”]

If you enjoyed this poem, consider reading these other poems as well:  Whispers of Love (a poem) or

The Song of a Butterfly-Freed to Love as Gods Beloved

This is an original Drawing by an amazing artist whom I love and admire. Please check out his work at http://roninron.com He did this drawing with a piece of paper and a pencil.  Because it is protected under copyright, it cannot be copied or duplicated without permission.


©Effie Darlene Barba, 2017

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post.  I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


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