JOY In God

This is a reposting of this message and the poem from Saturday night as these were both lost on the website  due to technical errors at the website.  I have learned over the years, that when Satan tries to destroy a message it is one I should press on with. On the other side, God also knows the perfect timing for you to see the message.  I hope it reaches someone who needs it tonight. 


Victory’s Battle Cry-A Study through Joshua-Part 17

As we look at the Chapters in Joshua from chapter 13 through chapter 20 we read about the allotments as God instructs Joshua in the division of the land among the 12 tribes of Israel. It can be considered slow reading and at times we might wonder why we should also read these chapters—what could they possibly have to do with us now. Yet, there is no part of the scripture that is not for our profit and edification (Proverbs 30:5, Deuteronomy 8:3). Note that it is God that divides the land. There was to be no squabbling, no jealousy, no pouting because someone else got the better part. You see, no one deserved any part of the gift on their own. Yes, some had a greater portion due to a history of faithfulness like Caleb; yet, Caleb received that inheritance on the other side of Jordan. For all who try to tell you that the faithful have prosperity on this earth; please note the symbolism. In the division of the land, two and one-half tribes received their inheritance this side of Jordan, 8 and one-half tribes received their inheritance the other side of Jordan, and “33unto the tribe of Levi Moses gave not any inheritance: the Lord God of Israel was their inheritance”(Joshua 13).


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God in His Omnipotent, Omniscient Grace chooses our allotment on this earth and in heaven. If we truly understand the significance of that truth, we would be able to proclaim with Paul, “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content “(Philippians 4:11) or with Job, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

Indeed, if we fully understand this truth it would change our heart’s responses to life’s trials and life’s blessings.

1. Jealousy would never be a part of our heart because we understand that God has chosen to give us the path that will give us the greatest pleasure in Him. If our path includes pain, sickness, poverty, sorrow and heartache it is the pathway that leads us closest to His heart. God so loved me that He gave His only begotten son, so that I might be saved. Would He ever give me less than His best for me in everything? Could I ever doubt His love for me?

2. Outlook would be changed. No longer would I be tithing, serving, and battling sin because of what I hope to gain from God. Instead I would be tithing, serving and battling sin because my love for Him commands my heart to do so. I would not be disappointed either when I cannot see the rewards of my labor on this earth; because, I know that He is my reward. This wondrous opportunity to know Him and to see Him as my treasure is the greatest reward of all.

3. Yearning will change. No longer will I yearn for material possessions or comfort when I know He is my love, my hope, and my portion. Then I can truly say, “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26).

Knowing that God reigns Sovereign over my life fills my heart with JOY, no matter what the circumstances may appear at this moment. In His arms of Love I will abide and I will trust Him in the midst of any storm, for God is Good

One day I will Fly to Jesus; but, until that day let me dance and sing praises of Joy to God—no matter what the circumstances. 

Were I to Say I Love You, Lord

By Effie Darlene Barba

If I were to say I love you

Jump up and rush to work today

If I never read your letters

Nor stop to take the time to pray

Would my actions speak much louder

Than all the words I boast to say?


If I were to say I trust you

While through the day, I moan and fret

About the trials of this world

Or what I do desire to get

Would you believe I know you as

The One who paid for my sin’s debt


If I were to say I seek you

The only treasure of my life

Yet, pout and cry for trivial things

With all this world’s desires a rife

How could you ever take my word?

When all I give to you is strife.


And so, dear Lord, I lay my life

Before thy throne of love tonight

Whate’er you need to do or take

Transform this heart and make it right

So, all I want and all I need

I find within thy Glory bright

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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