Jesus wept


Luke 19: 41And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,

42Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

John 11 35Jesus wept


Jesus wept when He arrived at the tomb of Lazurus—He came with a great and wondrous gift.  He knew that He came to raise Him from the dead and yet no one understood that He was coming with the greatest gift of all—life.  How could these who knew Him so intimately not understand that He was life.  So He wept that they did not get it.  The same as He weeps for all of us His followers when we just do not get it.  We go on about our day filled with life’s worries and cares and just don’t get it He is all we need.  How many times in my lifetime did Christ weep over my doubts and lack of faith. Oh, this my prayer is that never again do I want to know that I have caused Him even one more tear. 

He wept again over those who would reject Him.  He was on His way to Jerusalem to die and  become ULTIMATELY WORTHY of all our praise.  He had come with eternal life, joy, peace, heirship, and constant communion with God.  He sacrificed everything that this world might have everything- yet, they continue to reject Him.  As He gently stands before you with His hand out stretched to offer you His righteousness to replace your sin, His glory to replace your shame, his hope to replace your despair; He continues to weep each time you reject Him.  Would you come and answer this His call to you?

A friend sent me this video and I want to share it with you as it touched my heart, I pray it does yours

                                            Love,   Effie Darlene Barba