I Belong

I Belong

by Effie Darlene Barba


I think of all the Grace you’ve shown

Abounding love poured to my heart

The Joy in you, how it has grown

How could I doubt or e’er depart

This faith abiding in You God

You taught me through this journey trod


When Satan slivers like a snake

Accusing me of selfish pride

Of guilt and shame my heart would break

Were You not here to take my side

You paid my price and set me free

That I might soar for all to see


I think of all the Grace you’ve shown

Abounding love poured to my heart

The Joy in you, how it has grown

How could I doubt or e’er depart

This faith abiding in You God

You taught me through this journey trod


And Satan’s raging, roaring sounds

As lion striking at my life

When sorrow, pain and grief abounds

The world around so filled with strife

When faith would quake beneath my feet

Your victory sounds- I won’t retreat


Dear Lord, I feel Your presence near

How can it be such Joy is mine

I’m blessed with love and hope it’s clear

Your Glory in my heart does shine

No need to know tomorrow’s song

You’ve grasped my hand and I belong

© 2014 Effie Darlene Barba

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