How to Find Joy In The Midst Of a Painful Journey

How to Find Joy In The Midst Of a Painful Journey

All of the years had begun to wear upon me, I longed to go home to be with the Lord. The pancreatic mass seemed to be a blessing in disguise. Almost a wondrous gift for having marched through the years faithfully. I was tired, weary of the battles of life. Financial ruin despite my faithful tithing. Broken heart despite my having poured out love, hoping it would bring love in return. Battling cancer, illness, and the chronic effects of the medications to cure it all. Some like the friends of Job would say, “God must be angry—it must be because of sin that you have suffered.” Yet, they did not know my heart—only God did. This heart that longed for Him. This heart that thirsted for Him in a dry and barren land. That was 2002 and the mass was not cancer nor my way home to God. It was a turning moment for me to learn that in the midst of all the trials, sorrows, and sufferings of this earth—God is forever my Joy, my strength, my hope and my provider. Perhaps I was a lot like Peter when he said, ““Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you” (John 13:37 NIV). Have you ever in the recesses of your heart longed to be home with Jesus? To leave behind all the sorrows, struggles, and trials of this world and follow Him now? That is the cry of my bipolar mother’s heart every day!!


Jesus had been there with the apostles. He had walked with them, taught them, and even at times gently rebuked them. He had lovingly washed their feet. Now He was preparing them for His eminent death and resurrection. He would be leaving. He would send the Holy Spirit to guide them; yet, physically He was going away. They could not follow Him into His death. He would have to take on the sins of the world and take upon Himself all the wrath that evil deserved. He would have to face the darkest of nights so that light would finally have victory over the darkest evil. Only then would His ultimate Glory be displayed as He made the final blow against all of evil once and for all. He would rise victorious—Glorious.

Only then, could He go to prepare a place for us. Only then could we have hope of being bathed in His Glory, His Righteousness, His Love and His joy for all of eternity. Yet, a little while and we shall see Him in all His Glory. Still, like Peter; we cannot follow now. Just as He is preparing a place for us—He is preparing our hearts to receive the wonder of His gift. He is teaching us step by step how to love and how to receive His love. He is teaching us how to rejoice in Him. He is teaching us how to rest and abide in this wondrous Grace He has given us.


Like Peter, when I rely on my strength or my love of Christ—I will fall short. No matter how much I think I can do for Christ; I will only fail unless I completely surrender to Him. I must allow Him to be my strength, my joy and my hope. This journey through all these trials is preparing me for an eternity of resting and relying in Him. It is preparing my heart to understand the depth, the height, the breadth of His love for me. Yet, a little while and I shall see Him. What am I to do until He calls me home? I am to love others. I am to reach out to those who are hurting. I am to be salt and light to the world while spreading the gospel.


The only way I can do that is by spending time in His word and by spending time alone each day on my knees in prayer with Him. I must follow the example of Christ, who daily went to be with the Father in prayer. To face the trials and the crosses we must ourselves bare; we must rest in the finished work of Christ. We may sometimes even lose some of the battles as did Peter; yet, the victory is ours in Christ. We may grow weary at times. We may be covered with battle scars; but, we know that in Him, in Christ—we have all that we need. For that reason, I can rejoice each and every day of this journey. That is what I have learned through all the trials. I have learned how to have joy in the midst of sorrow, hope in the midst of trials, and peace in the midst of chaos. He is all I need. Yet, a little while He will call me home. Until that day, I will march on in His strength and His love.


What about you? Where are you along this journey? If you are in a place of discouragement or brokenness; let me encourage you to stay on your knees. He does have a plan for your joy in Him—step by step, inch by inch, glory by glory He will reveal that to you. Hold on!! Yet a little while and you will see His Glory revealed to you here as He prepares you along this journey for your ultimate joy in your final destination one day.

The song I chose for you today is  All the Way My Savior Leads Me

New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 byBiblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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