How Much Is a Soul Now Worth?

I know that I had started a series on Rejoicing Friday to which I will return and complete before thanksgiving day.  Yet on Sundays I wish to continue the tradition started of giving you a poem.  Mom went to the hospital this week with chest pain.  The strain of the activities surrounding this move is taking it’s toll on her.  She is fine; but from there she will be going to a nursing home for a while, until I can return to take her with me to Missouri.  God commanded this move and I press forward; knowing He knows what is best.  This time, unlike all the previous moves; I am letting go of all the stuff I have carried with me for over 25 years.  For most of those who paid a quarter or two to take it; it means little.  Perhaps, a few things that went to friends means more as a remembrance of me; but I prefer they remember the God I love and adore.  God has a new plan ahead for which I am excited to watch it unfold. I trust Him and recognize that He is my greatest treasure.  As I leave one son and his family behind, I move near my other son and his family.

four generations 001

“Four Generations” * taken in 1974

So often in this life, joys and sorrows blend into one; that is why I have learned to follow God where ever He leads and to whatever He has planned.  Over the last year in providential Grace, He has prepared my heart for this move.  He ripped away the pride within as He knew that humility was needed to see Him clearly.  He broke the chains within my heart that bound me to this place and these things I formerly only thought I desired.  I listened to Keith Simon’s sermon from The Crossing Church in Columbia, MO called "Living with Meaning and Purpose."  I could not help but note the similarities to my current state when he spoke about a person’s life becoming "a yard sale." My hope is that during the time I have spent living here I have shown of glimpse of how much I love and trust God.  My desire is to have changed the eternity of someone, so that when they leave this earth; they draw nigh to God, instead of remaining in torment separated from the only true treasure and joy. I have yet to know all of what God has planned in Columbia; but, my desire is that all who meet me come to know Him as their greatest treasure.  Let my life always demonstrate what Paul so aptly wrote: Philippians 3: "8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;"

Oh, yes; I got carried away and I did promise you a poem today.   I wrote this poem last night and hope it inspires you to take a look at your life and your eternity. 


What is the value of this stuff we hold?

Why do we cling to it so tight?

And in the end when all is told

It’s gone and taken flight

Why do we cling to selfish pride?

And never see the cost

Of those we walk this road beside

Not caring they are lost


How much is a soul now worth?

When it has left this earth

When darkness doth surround

And then a beam of brilliant light

Breaking through the dark of night

When eternity is found

Whispers of a joyous song

Breaking through the silent throng

Of all the tears of days gone by

Losses of the time now past

Fleeting joys that never last

Replaced as God draws nigh

If God should take away these things

And rip them from your clutch

While holding you His song He sings

Because He loves so much

Would you now rest or would you weep

True treasure you have found

When all else lost one fatal sweep

His joy and love abound


How much is a soul now worth?

When it has left this earth

When darkness doth surround

And then a beam of brilliant light

Breaking through the dark of night

When eternity is found

Whispers of a joyous song

Breaking through the silent throng

Of all the tears of days gone by

Losses of the time now past

Fleeting joys that never last

Replaced as God draws nigh

* From top to bottom, Margaret Shell  “ Peggy” Reed –my maternal grandmother, Johnnie Gray (Robinson) Garner-my mother, myself, Melissa Eunice (Moran) Smith-my daughter

Question:  Can you tell me the names of your great grandparents?  To Answer click comment here

© 2013 Effie Darlene Barba

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to any brands, products or services that I have mentioned I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides regarding the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

3 thoughts on “How Much Is a Soul Now Worth?”

  1. Great grandparents mom side John Robinson married to Cordelhia Martin. Mark Reed married Allie Belle (biggie) gray. She was widowed and when I knew her she then married to Will Tomlinson From dad’s side Louis Jerry Garner married Della cross. Emerson Patterson married Rena Mae Ross

  2. Paternal: Harold and Helen (Dietrich) Young; Otilia (Curtis) Landau
    maternal: Carrie (Nolte) Cundy

  3. So I will start with grandparents: Maternal–Samuel William Robinson and Margaret Shell “Peggy” Reed. Paternal Ogle Garner and Effie Patterson.
    Great grandparents? Okay, guilty I only know “Biggie” Tomlinson. Will have to check with mom and get back to you on that one.

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